After almost four years since the beta version of Winamp 5.8 was available; which has not left the testing phase. Now, the developers have presented Winamp 5.9 RC1 as a release candidate that is compatible with Windows 11. It seems that users are waiting for the first release of the full version of the legendary player in almost 9 years.
WACUP (which we can pronounce as wakeup or wac-up or however you prefer it in your native tongue) has a new design to work only with the Winamp 5.666 release to provide bug fixes, updates of existing features and most importantly new features with the goal to eventually become it’s own highly compatible media player.
The description of the new version of the player states support for Windows 11; and the ability to synchronize with the Android version of the application. The developers have improved support for the VP8 codec, added a new working directory for podcasts; and also implemented support for the M38 codec. In addition, optimization and bug fixes took place to improve the stability of the application.
Winamp player is available again with a test version 5.9
The once hugely popular and especially widely used around the turn of the millennium; Winamp player from the American developer Nullsoft appeared more than 25 years ago as shareware for Windows 95. The player was very popular and quickly became the main tool for playing MP3 audio for millions of people around the world.
After more than 16 years of successful existence, Winamp finally came to an end in 2013. The version 5.666, released on December 12, 2013, remains the last final version of the player until today. In October 2018, Radionomy announced the full release of Winamp 6, but it has not yet taken place. Winamp is currently maintained by the WinAmp Community Update Project (WACUP), which provides a plugin package based on Winamp 5.666 through its official website.
The new developer screwed it up. He/She turned it into a cluster F#@!.
Also, the older version, 5.666, works fine under Windows 7/10/11.