The Telegram messenger team reported on new features that have appeared both for users of the free version of the service and for Premium subscribers. The latter addresses a new platform for creating copyright emoji. As well as the ability to block the sending of voice and video messages. In addition, the users can gift Premium subscriptions, according to the administration of the service.
Telegram had the ability to upload your own collections of emoji, but users of the free version of the service have only the access to unique characters – they can only send to “Favorites”, while only Premium subscribers have the ability to publish them in chats and channels. Everyone can see them. Now the collection has 10 additional sets with 500 animated emoji, and the number will continue to grow.
Telegram launches emoji creation platform, voice messaging ban, and the ability to gift Premium
The messenger interface has been somewhat simplified: now, when you start typing, the sticker panel button is replaced as unnecessary by the emoji selection button. And when you enter hints, for example, “:laugh” or “:hmm” options appears from all available sets. The iOS version of the app now has the ability to quickly switch between stickers, emoji, and GIFs. Which was previously possible on Android, as well as on the desktop and web versions of the app.
Telegram decided to please Premium subscribers with another option. They can open the privacy settings and prohibit sending themselves voice and video messages, choosing who exactly can do this. Everyone, people from the contact list, or no one at all. You can also add exceptions – those who will always be able to send messages in alternative formats.
Finally, Premium subscribers can now gift a paid subscription to other users by prepaying for 3, 6 or 12 months. And in this case, there is also a discount. You can issue a gift either by opening the profile of the corresponding user in applications for iOS or Android downloaded from official stores, or through the @PremiumBot bot.