Apple products have been bragging with privacy features for some years now. If you ask most iPhone users why they chose the Apple brand, most of them would mention privacy as one of the reasons. But then, Samsung has done something that will make Apple pinch themselves for not thinking about it first.
As a privacy oriented company, Apple has released several privacy features that sure keeps your personal data from the eyes of others. But definitely not this feature. Samsung has beaten Apple in the privacy sector this time around.
IPhone Users Will Be Jealous Of This Samsung Feature
Usually when Apple users take their phones for repairs, they either have to clear the whole phone or leave it as it is if they don’t want to loose any important information. All you have to do is to hope no one gets to check what you have on your phone during the repair process.
Hello Apple, Samsung has a better solution. I wouldn’t be surprised to see this feature in iPhones sooner or later, just like they do to each other all the time. This new feature is called the Maintenance Mode. What this does is that, it hides all the personal data you have on phone from the third eye.
In this case you don’t need to erase yourphone when giving it out for repair or leaving it in the care of someone else. The phone will be fully accessible, but personal data like photos, videos, contacts etc will remain hidden. Samsung explains this new security feature by saying:
Maintenance Mode can be switched on in the Battery settings and requires a reboot. Once it’s on, the person servicing the device won’t be able to see any personal information including photos, documents, and messages, and all user-installed apps will also disappear. It’s basically Safe Mode for your phone.
Samsung Maintenance Mode Allows Third Parties To Use Your Phone 
When the device is in maintenance mode, anyone can create new accounts, download new apps, take new photos and many more. But as soon as the real owner takes his phone back and turns off the maintenance mode, all those accounts and data will automatically wipe out.
As an everyday user of a smartphone, you may definitely take your phone for servicing for one reason or the other. Having this feature on your phone is definitely going to give you extra peace of mind when you give out your phone for servicing.