Chinese manufacturing giant, Xiaomi, will unveil its next flagship series before the year ends. According to reports, the company is expected to unveil the Xiaomi 13 series this month. This new flagship series will come with the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen2 flagship processor. For some weeks now, there have been several reports regarding the Xiaomi 13 series. The camera department of these device seems to attract more attention. The latest report are the renders from OnLeaks and Xoutons. The renders shows that the Xiaomi 13 Pro will come with a fairly large rear camera bump. This device will have three sensors as well as a flash on its rectangular rear camera module.
In addition, the renders also reveals that the Xiaomi 13 Pro will come with a curved display. From available reports, the size of this display is about 6.7 inches and it uses a center punch-hole design. In addition, there are four “small dots” on the top of the Xiaomi 13 Pro. Xiaomi is one of the few manufacturers that still offer IR blasters on its devices. We are guessing that at least one “dot” is an IR sensor. But not sure about the other three “small dots”.
Finally, the source claim that the body size of the Xiaomi 13 Pro is 163 x 74.6 x 8.8mm (including the camera, and the thickness is 11.8mm). This puts the phone on the same level as the Xiaomi 12 Pro.
Previous report claims that the Xiaomi 13 Pro will use a hyperboloid screen, a 6.7-inch Samsung 2K E6 curved screen, and a narrower frame than the previous generation. And it is equipped with high-end configurations such as a camera with a 1-inch outsole, and the arrangement of lens modules remains unchanged. There will be four colours options including black, white, green and pink. Of these colours, the green and pink versions will have a plain leather version.