Social media started as a place where users get to meet new people, make new connections and build new friendships online. Social media brings the world closer to you. Before the birth of social media, it was very difficult to see the face of a friend or a family who has traveled abroad. Unless they take a picture and post it to you wherever you are. Or maybe, unless they come back from wherever they traveled to.
But things have changed now, thanks to social media. You can now have instant conversations with friends and family all over the world. You can exchange photos and videos within seconds or even have a face to face video chats with them as if they sit right in front of you.
All these new ways of communicating with people is made possible because of social media. The idea of social media is something that you just cannot overlook. No matter how much you wouldn’t like your personal information to get out there, you will definitely find yourself using one or two of these social media platforms.
Social Media Companies Make Billions Of Dollars Every Year
On the other hand, companies that own these social media platforms are making billions of dollars every year. After all, a big business or company depends on the customer base of that company. The larger you customer base, the bigger your company and of course, the more money you can make from your business.
This is what makes social media companies worth billions of dollars. Everybody is rushing to the various social media platforms now. Whether for entertainment, sports, business, news etc. You can find almost anything on social media today.
In as much as this has become a very lucrative business for the companies, individuals and users are also making a lot of money on social media nowadays.
Social media has become more than just a media platform for socializing and meeting new people. It has become a real business centre for a lot of users around the globe. Everyone wants to take advantage of this large market today. And increase their sales while growing their businesses.
Everyone Can Make Good Money From Social Media
Like I always say, where there’s a lot of crowd, there is a lot of great opportunities to make money and grow your business. This means in order to be able to take advantage of this booming market and use it to grow your business, you need to have the followers.
There’s a lot of social media platforms that you can use to market your products and grow your business. Everybody wants the followers whether on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or YouTube
But for the purpose of this article, we are going to use Instagram. And I’m going to show you how you can grow your Instagram followers.
First of all the best way to grow your Instagram followers is to boost your posts or sponsor your posts. But we all know that sponsoring a post on Instagram or any other social media platform can be quite expensive. Especially if you want the Followers.
So, I am going to show you how you can get free Instagram followers. I mean organic followers that can make your Instagram page interactive and a very business-oriented one.
This Method Is The Real And Only Way Apart From Sponsoring Instagram Posts
I have taught this method to a lot of people and it has worked for them very well. And I know it will work for you too. Only if you follow the instructions and do exactly what I ask you to do.
So, the first thing we have to do is to be able to understand how Instagram works. And how is suggest followers to people or how Instagram can get you your followers. As an Instagram user you may have possibly come across people that the platform suggests for you to follow.
if your Instagram account is not a business account I advise you convert it into a business account first. This is because Instagram prioritizes business accounts when suggesting accounts for people to follow. It is because business accounts are more likely to bring them money than personal accounts.
Our main target here is to get into the Instagram suggestion list. Ones your account gets into the Instagram suggestion list, your followers will keep flowing in. As long as you don’t stop doing what you are doing.
How To Get Instagram Followers
Just like any other social media platform, Instagram would like you to stay on the platform as long as possible. The more users stay on the platform, the more it becomes engaging and interactive.
You don’t have to do a lot to gain Instagram followers. You just have to do three things. Which is also very easy to do. It is just that a lot of people are not aware of the magic that these simple things can do for their Instagram accounts.
Steps To Help You Gain More Instagram Followers. 
Step 1. Be Interactive :
Instagram algorithm focuses more on users who are very interactive. Interactivity is what makes the Instagram platform an interesting place to be. Everybody on Instagram wants to see their videos and posts attracting a lot of views, comments and likes.
So if you interact a lot on Instagram by liking and commenting under other people’s posts, Instagram will automatically suggest your account to other users. If you keep doing this for a while, you will be surprised how many followers you can be able to get each day.
Step 2. Be Consistent:
Just like any other social media platform, consistency is key to growing your Instagram account. Your posts on Instagram is what the platform depends on.
In as much as you can easily gain more followers by posting consistently on Instagram, you can also lose followers if you stop posting. As soon as you stop posting on Instagram, you will realize that your followers will begin counting down.
Instagram does this on intention in order to make you more consistent with your posts. Consistency also means sticking to your content niche. So if it is about comedy, fashion, sports or entertainment, just stick to that niche.
Remember that, a lot of your followers may come from the contents you post too. So you must stick to the subject. This helps you get real followers who also have interest in the kind of contents that you post. And getting such followers also means that your post will get a lot of interactions.
This is because people usually like to talk about what interests them. So they first follow your page because they have a lot of interest in your content. And when you post, they like and comment, just because of the interest they have in your content. Just put yourself in their shoe and think about this. Which contents do you usually like and comment on when you are on Instagram?
Step 3. Spend More Time On Instagram
Yes, this is a very important thing to do. If you really want to gain a lot of organic followers on Instagram, you need to spend more time on Instagram. In the Instagram suggestion list, most of the people Instagram suggest for others to follow are usually online.
Instagram algorithm works this way to enhance interactivity and and keep users on the platform for long. Usually if you are online and you see a pop up that you have a new follower, you will likely tap on it to find out who just followed you. You may either follow back or check their contents.
This is all Instagram wants. People staying for long and more interactivity. So guess what happens when you spend more time online? Instagram will keep showing your account to a lot of users as part of the suggestion list. By so doing, you end up getting new followers when you stay online for quite a longer time.
Bonus step 
Remember the goal here is to grow your Instagram account as quickly as possible. So I will give you this bonus step which makes things even easier. Whenever you come across the profile of any celebrity, star or someone who just went viral, just follow them.
In most cases, the Instagram follow suggestions lists pop up after following someone. And these people get thousands of followers each day. So if you are consistently posting, interacting with the posts of others and spending more time on Instagram. Following famous people only becomes the icing on the cake to gaining your own followers.
Since famous people get thousands of followers each day, your profile will likely be part of the suggestion lists that people see ones they follow famous people. This happens especially when you happen to be online most at times.
Conclusion On How To Gain Instagram Followers
I have studied the way Instagram works for quite a long time now. This has been my secrete tool in growing a lot of Instagram accounts for years now. If you follow these few steps, you can easily gain more Instagram followers within a few weeks. In fact, you can grow from zero to ten thousand within 4 to 5 five weeks.
It is no magic, that is just how the Instagram platform is built to work. You only have to be able to understand in order to make the best use of it.
Nice article, looking forward to more…
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