Did you know that Google Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro devices come with free Google One VPN? Yes, it is one of the Pixel-exclusive features Google announced in October. However, don’t worry if your Pixel 7 or 7 Pro doesn’t have it yet. This feature is supposed to be a December drop. And only a handful of the devices got it early.
Nonetheless, you will not be able to get the most out of the feature if you do not know how to use or enable it. Well, that is precisely where the guide below steps in. By going through it, you can learn not only how to use it but also how it works on the Pixel device. So, let’s get started, shall we?
How to Use Free Google One VPN on Pixel 7 and 7 Pro
There is really no need to go through any intricate steps to enable the Google One VPN on your pixel device. These simple steps will do the trick just fine:
- Download and install the Google One app on your Pixel 7 or 7 Pro.
- Open the app and navigate to the Benefits tab. You will find it on the bottom bar.
- Tap on view details.
- Enable the toggle in front of the “Use VPN” option. This will activate the service.
- You should see a VPN notification on the top when Google One VPN is activated.
Alternative Way of Using The Google One VPN on Pixel 7 and 7 Pro
There is another way to activate the Google One VPN on your Pixel 7 device. Here are the steps:
- Head over to settings
- Go to Network and Internet
- Navigate to VPN and enable Google One VPN
It is possible to add the VPN to the Quick Settings toggle. Through that, you can quickly activate and deactivate the VPN.
How to Manage Google One VPN Settings for Specific Apps
Some apps might not work correctly when the VPN is turned on. But there is no need to worry as you can define the rules for each app. Here are the steps for making apps bypass the Google One VPN:
- Click and open the Google One app
- Head over to Benefits, then to View Details, and then click on View settings
- You should find an option called “Allow apps to bypass VPN.” Click it.
- Here, you can choose which apps can bypass the VPN. To add them to the list, click the plus icon.
Limitations of Google One VPN
No VPN is perfect. Not even the Google One VPN! And although you are getting it for free with a Pixel 7 device, there are some limitations you should know about.
Free Access Is Only Exclusive to Your Pixel 7 and 7 Pro Device
Yes, Google One VPN is available for Windows and macOS. However, the free service is only exclusive to Pixel 7 devices.
Not Available in All Countries
Pixel 7 is now officially available in 17 different countries. But you can not use the free Google One VPN if you are in India or Singapore.
Using the Google One VPN for Free on Pixel 7 and 7 Pro
The free Google One VPN service is the same one you get with the 2TB tier of the Google One cloud storage plan. And if you have used it before, you might already know it can properly mask IP addresses and traffic. That reduces online tracking and protects you while using unsecured or public WiFi.
So, offering such a fantastic VPN for free is really a good selling point for Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro. And now that you know how to enable it, you can too make proper use of it.