YouTube has always been a free to use platform and will always remain so, at least as far as we know. There may be other platforms that offer what YouTube offers. However, none of these platforms pose any form of threat to the supremacy of YouTube. As a matter of fact, there is no competition at all. And this leaves the Google owned video platform in a league of its own.
YouTube Is An Income Source For Many People 
YouTube is not just a video streaming platform; it also serves as a source of income for millions of people. Due to how profitable YouTube can be, content creators are also doing everything to come up with the best contents possible.
How much money a content creator can make on YouTube strongly depends on two factors. First of all, it depends on how much your contents attract views. Secondly, it also depends on the number of subscribers you have.
Whatever be the case, it all depends on people. Simply put, you need a lot of people around your content to make good money on the platform. But people have different views and opinions everywhere they go. And YouTube is no exception to that.
People have their own ways of sharing their views in the YouTube comments section. Some may be nice, not so nice and the abusive ones. Others may not even have any interest in a particular content. All they do is to Spam the comment section of other content creators. In the worst-case scenario, some users even use bots to either comment, view or like posts on YouTube.
As part of making the platform a safer place for everyone to use, YouTube has decided to fight these unhealthy activities on its platform. YouTube has improved its automated spam detection feature to be more efficient than ever. By mid of this year, the automated spam detection was able to get rid of about 1.1 billion spam comments. According to YouTube, it is using machine learning to tackle spam comments more efficiently as spammers are always adapting.
YouTube Will Block Your Account If You Post Abusive Comments
When it comes to abusive comments, these comments are made by humans. So, YouTube has started issuing removal warnings and timeouts for users who abuse others verbally on the streaming platform. The system is able to remove and warn users whose comments go against community guidelines. Users who refuse to change from abusive comments even after the warning receive 24-hour ban.
According to data from internal testing, this system seems to be working fine. So, I will advise that you mind your speech when commenting on the video platform from now on. It is a global platform, and one bad comment online can go the long way to hunt you down somewhere else. Especially if your YouTube account has ever been blocked due to abusive languages.