Since Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, there have been several issues with the company. A new report reveals that hackers leaked data containing 235 million Twitter users on a forum for free. Cybernews reports that the leaked data is about 63GB in size. The data includes the user’s name, email address, number of followers, and account creation date. The database is even public, allowing anyone to download it.
Alon Gal, the co-founder of an Israeli security company, Hudson Rock, believes that hackers can use this leaked Twitter database to attack encrypted accounts. They can also hack high-profile and political accounts, and infiltrate accounts with good usernames. Also, these cybercriminals can attack accounts that don’t use Twitter’s dedicated email. “There is no doubt that hacking groups around the world will also use this database to further compromise the privacy of our users,” he said.
According to The Washington Post, the records were likely leaked in late 2021 using a Twitter loophole that allowed outsiders with an email address or phone number to find any account on Twitter that matched that info. These inquiries can be automated to check an unlimited number of phone numbers and email addresses.
Hacker steals 400 million Twitter accounts – offers Musk a deal
About a week ago, a hacker claims to have access to about 400 million Twitter user accounts. He is also offering Twitter’s CEO, Elon Musk the opportunity to buy them back. The seller, who uses the nickname Ryushi on the dark web, has opened a “trial access” to 1,000 Twitter accounts. Thus, whoever wants to buy them can verify their authenticity. He wrote
“Twitter or Elon Musk if you are reading this you are already risking a GDPR fine over 5.4m breach imaging the fine of 400m users breach source. Your best option to avoid paying $276 million USD in GDPR breach fines like Facebook did (due to 533m users being scraped) is to buy this data exclusively,”
Earlier, there were reports that the EU will go through the social giant record to check for data leaks of 5.4 million users.
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