Apple will further increase the brightness level of the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Ultra (or Pro Max) to 2500 nits. This is the latest report regarding the iPhone 15 Pro series from AppleInsider citing a recent tweet from a trustworthy source, ShrimpApplePro. On Tuesday, ShrimpApplePro retweeted another leaker named “Connor” or “OreXda,” who revealed the vital details of the Samsung display.
“Connor’s” initial tweet reads, “Samsung’s next-gen panel hits 2500 nits”. The M13, which would be two generations more advanced than the M11 utilized in Samsung’s recently released Galaxy S23, was also hinted at by the leaker. However, the leaker claims that he doesn’t know if the display is the Samsung M13.
iPhone 15 Pro to use a new display
ShrimpApplePro reacted to the tweet by stating that it “may be equipped on the iPhone 15 Pro Max”. Of course, the tweet is making reference to the new display. The screen details on the iPhone 14 Pro models, in contrast, hit 1000 nits. HDR content has a peak brightness of 1600 nits, and for outside use, it has a peak brightness of 2000 nits.
The info above is for future reference only and was given credence by the media as well. Do you think Apple will raise the brightness level to 2500 nits? Do you think this increase will be relevant? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below
Apple is always keen on using the best parts for its iPhones and for this reason, it has been upgrading its display over the years. The M11 panels are currently found in the Samsung Galaxy S22 and S23 series. Thus, the Samsung Galaxy S23 series and the iPhone 15 Pro series use two different generations of screen panel tech. This year, the costs of the two top-tier iPhones will rise. Apple will incur more costs in order to purchase Samsung’s M13 panels. This is one of the causes behind the price increase of the iPhone 15 series.