Fires can devastate a business and lead to property loss, harming people or even destroying the building. A good security company will have fire watch guards available to protect your business and keep your property safe. These guards are trained to watch for any issues that could cause a fire or accident. They also help you stay compliant with local regulations.
They Monitor Safety Equipment
A successful business relies on smooth operating processes and efficient workflow. It also carries out safety measures to protect its employees and assets. Fire Watch Guards are a crucial part of this equation. The Fast Fire Watch Co. monitors the property’s fire protection systems, such as sprinklers and fire alarms, and ensures they work correctly.
These professionals closely monitor your office and other properties to identify any potential fire hazards, like aging wiring or trash bins filled with flammable materials. They also ensure your fire extinguishers are in good condition and that they’re not past their best-by dates or haven’t been used in a while.
They maintain a log of their activities to record their findings and refer back to them for future adjustments or upgrades to your business’s fire system. This helps you stay OSHA compliant and protect your employees, customers, and valuables from fire.
They Evacuate People and Valuables
When a fire breaks out in a building, a guard can assist people with their escape and sound an alarm. They can also assist first responders by providing a hand with staging areas, communications, and medical treatment if needed.
A fire watch guard can also monitor your building’s safety equipment to ensure they’re in working order and meet code compliance standards. They can spot issues such as deteriorating wiring, trash bins full of flammable materials, or overheating machinery and notify you of them so you can take appropriate measures to prevent fires.
They’re also trained to evacuate people and valuables from your property if necessary. If your business’s fire sprinkler system or other fire suppression tools aren’t working, they can evacuate the entire building and get people to safe areas as quickly as possible.
They Monitor Construction Sites
Construction sites have a lot of valuable equipment, materials, and vehicles that can be easily stolen or destroyed. That’s why it’s important to have security guards onsite.
They monitor the construction site to ensure that all exits are clearly marked and that all electrical wires and fire alarm systems are checked regularly. They also check to ensure combustible building materials are not stored too close to portable electrical equipment.
Another common fire hazard on construction sites is the lack of adequate heating systems. These temporary heaters may be kerosene, propane, or electric, and they can easily ignite if they’re not properly set up and kept free of flammable materials.
These temporary heaters can cause a fire that could spread to the rest of the building. This is why it’s important always to have a reliable fire watch guard on your construction site.
They Maintain Safety Logs
During their shifts, fire watch guards perform various duties to ensure their clients’ premises are safe from any potential hazards. These duties include ensuring safety systems are working and completing regular patrols.
Moreover, they record their activities in a security recording system and share them with their clients, customers, and insurance providers. This allows the business to make informed decisions in the future regarding safety and fire protection.
Fires can devastate any property and are often spread out throughout a facility or building. This is why facilities need to have fire watch guards on their premises.
In the event of a fire, the guard will contact the fire department and provide all the necessary information. This helps the fire department respond as quickly as possible and prevent further damage or property loss.