Huawei, the world’s largest manufacturer of telecommunication equipment is already under several sanctions. These sanctions are already enough to break down any company. However, the Chinese tech giant is still floating atop. Truly, the sanctions have caused a lot of damages to Huawei. Nevertheless, it looks like the United States is not yet done with Huawei.
US to Pass New Law to Destroy Huawei
The United States is about to pass a new law. This new law is title “Countering Untrusted Telecommunications Abroad Act”. Considering the name, you can easily predict what this new act entails. The US House Representative, Susan Wild presented this bill before the House of Representatives. She made the first presentation in July last year. This new act will allow the US to name and shame any of its allies that use Huawei and ZTE kit.
In her report, Susan Wild stated that “Reporting has shown us how Huawei and ZTE operate as vehicles for the Chinese Communist Party. To commit human rights violations against the Uyghur people. Conduct mass surveillance and spread that technology to other authoritarian regimes. In the face of this threat, we need to redouble our efforts to protect our national security and interests. Help our allies take vital measures for their own security, and stand firmly in defense of fundamental rights,” She added.
The bill has emphasized that it is in the economic and national security interest of the United States. To ensure that countries around the world are using trusted telecommunication and equipment or services. Well, no one will ever argue with the accuracy of the statement. However, Wild’s attempt to make the interest of the United States look like a charitable offer is quite dishonest. What makes it even worse is the fact that the United States is trying to apply pressure on its allies in the name of assistance.
Second Reading is Set for Next Week 
A report by Reuters says that the bill is set for second reading next week. The second reading however seems to be a mere formality. This is because it is already passed in the first reading with a significant majority of 361-69. If the US House of Representatives passes the bill, the United States will assist its allies to do what they are told. They will do so by preparing a special annual report. The detail of the report is listed below.
- A description of the presence, or lack thereof, of untrusted telecommunications equipment. Or services in any 5G network of the country.
- If any untrusted telecommunications equipment or service is present in such a network.
(A) an enumeration of any mobile carriers that are using the untrusted telecommunications equipment or service present, and any mobile carriers that are not.(B) a determination of whether the untrusted telecommunications equipment or service present is in the core. Or is in the periphery of the network.
(C) any plans by the United States ally or partner. Or the individual mobile carrier to rip and replace the untrusted telecommunications equipment or service present with a trusted telecommunications equipment or service.
- A description of any plans by network operators to use untrusted communications equipment or services in the deployment of Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) technology. Or any successor to such technology, or in future 6G networks.
What Happens to Allies That Break the Law 
The United States did not specify any form of sanctions in the bill. As to what form of punishment lays in stock for countries that refuse to follow suit. Even without mentioning, there will definitely be some form of sanctions for allies that do not follow these instructions. If not, what then becomes the purpose of gathering such reports and passing it as a law? What happens to those who break the law?
The US as we all know has many tools within its reach that it can use to sanction its allies. It could be in the form of political pressure, withdrawing security corporation, trade sanctions amongst others.
This keeps getting confusing with each day that passes by. Especially considering the fact that the US House of Representatives are trying to make laws for other countries. National security of other countries, just because they are allies? I thought that was one of the duties of the United Nations.
Clearly, it all comes down to the trade war between China and the United States. The US is well-known for pressuring its allies to do what it wants. But this looks like a whole new development. The sanctions against Huawei are having significant impacts on the Chinese company. However, the company is still making moves in trying to survive. This new development is a clear indication that the United States wants to totally wipe-out both Huawei and ZTE.
After this law is passed, will it be enough to destroy Huawei and ZTE? With the growing tension of other nations distancing themselves from the United States, will the allies submit to the new bill? Share your thoughts.