Huawei Vice Chairman and Rotating Chairman CFO Meng Wanzhou stated that Huawei will continue to support the development of digital infrastructure in the 5.5G era at the 2023 Huawei Global Analyst Conference. Meng Wanzhou stated that Huawei will keep working to support the growth of modern tech in the 5.5G era. The company will also build the network tools of IoT and 10 Gigabit experience. With this, the computing industry’s power will be as accessible in the future.
From reports so far, 5.5G is an upgrade of the 5G network, the next phase after 5G. Of course, 5G will not jump directly to the 6G network in 10 years. There will be some intermediate phases and 5.5G is one of them. 5.5G is the sole option for the next stage of the 5G network upgrade and evolution. The industry is moving quickly towards a joint deal to get a 5.5G standard.
The downlink speed of Huawei’s 5.5G can reach 10Gbps. This is a tenfold boost over the 1Gbps of the original 5G network speed. At the same time, its latency, setting, and reliability are all much better than 5G.
Yang Chaobin noted that thanks to the joint efforts, advances in a number of crucial 5.5G techs had been made. 5.5G and 10G powers are already a reality. Many thanks to cutting – edge tech like ELAA and MBSC. The former is an ultra – large – scale antenna array while the latter is a virtual large – carrier reconstructed discontinuous spectrum. These are both techs for better wireless networks.
Tech trend of the Huawei 5.5G era
Tech growth in the 5.5G era will bring operators a 10-fold increase in network speed over 5G. Huawei says we can expect the following
- 10 times higher speeds: The peak rates on mobile and home broadband users will move from 1 Gbit/s to 10 Gbit/s. This will ensure better services.
- 10 times more IoT links: Passive IoT tech enables an increase in the number of IoT links from 10 billion to 100 billion.
- 10 times more deterministic: There will be a 10-fold growth in latency and other aspects
- 10 times higher energy efficiency: CO2 emissions per terabyte of data transmitted on a mobile network will be reduced 10 times.
- 10 times more intelligent: Autonomous driving networks (ADN) will be upgraded from level 3 to level 4 autonomy, with 10 times more efficient network O&M.
5.5G can help operators open up five new business frontiers and drive a 100-fold increase in new business opportunities.