Snapchat is gradually losing its grounds to competitors in recent years. The social media platform aims to keep competing for creators as well as users. It is currently embarking on a new way of bringing more creators onboard by introducing a more enticing offer. A new report claims that Snapchat is now expanding its revenue sharing program. The reason behind this is to reach more creators. It is also adding more of public-facing features that will help creators get discovered more easily.
Snapchat Outlines the Requirement for Earning Revenue on the Platform 
Last year, Snapchat introduced a new mid-roll ads. This was to help creators generate money on the platform. However, creators require certain criteria in order to qualify for earning revenue on Snapchat. In order to qualify, the creator needs to have at least 50,000 followers, 25 million monthly views and at least 10 posts per month.
On the other side, the power still lies with the company to determine who qualifies for revenue sharing. However, these metrics give creators a clearer picture of what they need to do in order to qualify. Even though ad revenue isn’t the only way of making money on Snapchat, creators feel this way is better and a lot more transparent. Another way creators can make money on the platform is through the music-focused creator fund. The creator fund actually pays creators for popular spotlight content.
If your account on Snapchat is not getting the needed attention or growing, the company has brought in a new feature to help grow your account and views. With the public-facing profiles and stories, creators can now share private “friend” content and public viewable content from the same account. All users can also be able to view analytics and other metrics in order to track their account performance.
Snapchat is Exploring Ways for Creators to Earn Revenue and Become Successful 
Another notable change is that users can now save stories. They can also post specific content to their public profiles. According to Snap, this will give users a pathway to become more prolific creators. This also applies to users who are not yet eligible to become Snap Stars. However, most of these new features are available to users that are 18 years and above.
These new features will allow Snap narrow down the lines between public content and friends content. For some time now, Snap has bragged about being the main messaging platform for real friends. It also said disappearing messages reduces social pressure unlike other competitors. However, these seem to be limitations that hinders creators from gaining income. For this reason, Snap is seeking for ways to balance both ways. This will enable creators succeed on Snap while gaining income.
Source / Via: Engadget