Want to use ChatGPT to brainstorm better ideas? OpenAI’s ChatGPT is capable of almost anything as it helps tech enthusiasts get what they want. Meanwhile, the tool has been highly controversial since its launch. That being said, it is still a great tool to consider as it helps students with their homework, scientists with their research, and software developers with their coding.
The best use of this AI tool is brainstorming, which helps in almost every field around the world. People from all walks of life can use AI tools to solve their problems or use ideas as a guide to make perfect long-term decisions. All of these tools can gather information from thousands of sources that were previously difficult to access.

However, it is not always necessary for the tool to provide the correct answers, so you need to be extra vigilant when searching for answers. You should double-check sources before finalizing an answer. OpenAI’s ChatGPT still needs a lot of improvement. With that said, we are here to discuss AI tools’ positive aspects.
6 Best Tips To Use ChatGPT For Brainstorming Amazing Ideas…
ChatGPT is not trained on updated data, so it is best for users to stick to general questions. For example, you can ask about films to watch, restaurant opening times, game results, and much more. At $20 per month for its services, ChatGPT with GPT-4 is not a bad deal. The following 6 tips can help you use ChatGPT for brainstorming:
Start Clear And Clever:
You should not rely entirely on ChatGPT just because a strong algorithm powers it. If you want to have a good brainstorming session, start with your raw idea. Find a core question and draw some points to start your research. You can use this information to create several prompts. Let’s start with a bunch of short questions. This is because long questions are sometimes confusing, and you may not get the information you want.
Know The Limitations Of The Tool:
The best way to use ChatGPT for brainstorming is to start by learning about the chatbot. For example, learn what the chatbot is struggling with or what an effective approach is to get good prompts. This is a good approach as it will help you improve your efforts. Moreover, measure the response time of the chatbot, i.e., how much time it takes to generate answers to long and short questions.
Try To Get Persistent Prompts:
The wise man’s strategy for getting better information from ChatGPT is to ask the same question over and over again. Make small changes in the question and see how the tool responds. The more you dig, the better information you will get. Stay focused, ask questions repeatedly to get what you want, and follow your idea. For example, ask for more sources and context if something intrigues you.
Get Prompts With Longer Lists:
The longer the lists, the better the answers. For example, if you ask for ways to write creative content, try searching for 20 ways to write creative content. Or, 90 ways to impress a girlfriend – this is a bonus tip for you. With such a variety of answers, you can find the best. If you don’t get the answer you’re looking for in one go, try repeating and rephrasing your questions. For example, 70 ways to write engaging content or something similar.
Touch Different Aspects Of Potential Applications:
Try not to limit the chatbot to a single dimension; if you work in one direction, you may not be able to know different aspects of the query. Think of this tool as a resource that can help employees, teenagers with homework, journalists with research, bankers with accounts, and so on. If you touch a different aspect of the tool, you will access hidden sources that were never visible to you on the web.
Mock Up A Few Examples:
The most interesting thing about humans is that they can learn from examples. It is a better idea to ask ChatGPT for examples or case studies. For example, if you want to become a Prompt Engineer, start by asking how to become a Prompt Engineer. What skills do I need to become a Prompt Engineer? You can ask a variety of questions related to this area.