Trouble in Paradise: Apple Cash / Apple Card / Apple Pay Features Impacted

Apple financial services

According to Apple’s System Status homepage on 2 May 2023, users are experiencing problems with some of the company’s financial services. Apple Pay, Apple Card, and Apple Cash are among the services experiencing outages. Reading the comments below the post of 9to5mac that informed us about this first, we can read that not all users are affected.

Apple Cash And Other Services Fail: What Went Wrong and How to Fix It

Apple has clarified that users can still make purchases through these services and that the outage only affects certain features. This means that some features may be unavailable to Apple Cash or Apple Card users. Purchases made via these services will not be affected. What’s worse, Apple Pay and Wallet users are also experiencing issues. But the Cupertino firm has said that they are working on the issue. So the fix should come soon.

  • Apple Cash: Some users may not be able to use all Apple Cash features. Purchases made with Apple Cash will continue to be unaffected.
  • Apple Card: Some users may not be able to use all Apple Card features. Purchases made with Apple Card will continue to be unaffected.
  • Apple Pay and Wallet: Users are experiencing a problem with this service. We are investigating this issue.

According to Apple, the difficulties began shortly after 10 am Eastern Time, and there is no timetable for a resolution. At the moment, we (and Apple as well) have no clue what caused the disruption. We even can’t say whether the fix will arrive soon. Users have been asked to be patient while Apple provides further updates on the functioning of its banking services.

Apple cash

Service errors are becoming more common as technology becomes more integrated into people’s daily lives. In some cases, these disruptions can have a significant financial impact, particularly when it comes to banking and financial services. But we should say that most firms, including Apple, have contingency plans in place to mitigate the impact of these outages.

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1 Comment

  1. May 5, 2023

    Good job and services go ahead πŸ‘βœŒοΈπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘πŸ”πŸŒπŸšΎπŸŽπŸš€