Just in case you are new to this popular game called Wordle, then, let me take a moment to explain it a bit. Wordle is a word-guessing game for Android devices and iOS devices. Players can also play the game online through the Wordle website. This mind-relaxing game has grown to become very popular due to its competitive nature. Study has shown that, continuously playing Wordle helps sharpen the brain. Apart from the fun part of it, playing this game also helps improve the users’ vocabulary and word-recognition skills. Overall, it is a very good way to train the brain when it comes to focusing and paying attention to details.
How Wordle Game is Played 
As I have stated earlier, this game is a word-guessing game which requires players to guess a five-letter word. There is no time limit set to guess the correct word. However, players are given just six attempts to guess the right word. If the first guess of the user happens to be wrong, the system greys out all the wrong letters. If your guess has some of the correct letters in it, the correct letter (s) highlights green, indicating that the green letter is part of the correct word. It follows that way throughout the six chances until the user is able to gather the subsequent right letters to guess the correct word.
This game is a very interesting and addictive game which can keep you playing for a long time. The more you win, the more you would like to keep playing. The best part is that you can also share your performance with your friends on all social media platforms. This makes them want to challenge you by getting a higher score and sharing as well. As interesting as it may be, some players end up cheating in terms of guessing the right words.
Android Users and iPhone Users, which of them are More Likely to Cheat in Wordle Game? 
According to a new survey by WordFinder, iPhone users are more likely to cheat in Wordle than Android users. The online dictionary platform performed this survey on 1,013 Wordle players. Amongst these, 51% were females while 47% were males. The remaining 2% were non-binary. Also, the survey included a breakdown of devices that these Wordle players used. It turned out that iPhone users came out on top with 41% of the total players. Android came in second with 31%, while the remaining 27% played on either their laptops or desktop computers.
As a word-guessing game, there are a number of ways through which players can cheat. People employ the help of sources like Google, online dictionary, ChatGPT etc. Instead of trying to guess the correct word themselves, they end up cheating and getting high scores they didn’t work for.
Within the different sections of the survey, cheating is one of the main highlights. The male gender is more likely to cheat in the Wordle game than the female gender. Surprisingly, players with degrees and professional certificates were also more likely to cheat than players with high school certificates.
In all these, the main focus still remains on one thing. That is the kind of devices these users use in playing the game. The results of the survey showed that iPhone users are more likely to cheat in this game than Android users. Looking at the win percentage between users of both devices, iPhone users gained a win percentage of 76% while Android users gained 73%. Even though iPhone users have higher win percentage than Android users, we all know the secrete behind their win rate now. Under the list of players who cheat more, the survey has confirmed that iPhone users are more likely to ask for a little help from Google and other sources than Android users.
Demographically, men and Gen-Z are more likely to cheat in Wordle game than women and Gen-X. Geographically, the survey also revealed that players from Vermont State and New York City top the list of players who cheat using Google.
NYTimes Wordle is an online word-guessing game that challenges players to uncover a five-letter word within six attempts. The game presents players with a blank row of squares, each representing a letter of the word.
NYT Wordle is a word puzzle game that challenges players to guess a five-letter secret word within six attempts. Each guess provides feedback on the accuracy of the letters guessed, helping players narrow down the possibilities with each attempt.