Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is a game that has been highly anticipated by fans of the series because it is very popular on PlayStation 5. It is a platformer that features the titular characters Ratchet and Clank, as they travel through different dimensions and fight against various enemies. The game was initially released for the PlayStation 5 console, which has an SSD as its primary storage device. The game has now been released for PC and because the PS5 uses SSD as its primary storage, there has been some debate about whether an SSD is necessary to run it well. On Reddit and Twitter, there has been a huge debate on whether or not this game is playable without an SSD. In this article, we will explore this topic in detail, including the arguments for and against using an SSD to play Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart on PC.
Arguments for using an SSD
Some comments on Reddit and Twitter argue that using an SSD is necessary to run Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart well on PC. They point out that the game was designed with the PlayStation 5’s SSD in mind, and that the game’s performance may suffer without an SSD. They also note that the game’s loading times may be longer without an SSD, which could make the game less enjoyable to play.
Arguments against using an SSD
Others argue that using an SSD is not necessary to run Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart well on a PC. They point out that the game’s PC specifications do not require an SSD, and that the game can be played on a hard drive. They also note that the game’s performance may not be significantly affected by using a hard drive and that the game’s loading times may not be noticeably longer.
The truth about using an SSD
So, which side is correct? The truth is that both sides have valid points. While it is true that the game was designed with the PlayStation 5’s SSD in mind, it is also true that the game’s PC specifications do not require an SSD. This means that the game can be played on a hard drive and that the game’s performance may not be significantly affected by using a hard drive.
However, it is also true that using an SSD can improve the game’s performance. While the game may be playable on a hard drive, it may not run as smoothly. Also, it may not load as quickly as it would on an SSD. This means that players who want the best possible experience may want to consider using an SSD.
It is possible for Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart to function on a PC with an HDD. This is noteworthy since initial promotional materials from Sony stated it was impossible. However, Digital Foundry‘s John Linneman has noted that certain HDDs, such as a stock PS4 drive, may not perform well with the game. He recommends that if you’re stuck with an HDD, use one with a faster spin time for better results. Linneman also tweeted that pairing a 7200 RPM drive with an i9 processor and 64GB of RAM brings better outcomes. If you have an SSD and a high-end PC, you can expect a fantastic experience with Rift Apart. According to Kotaku, the game’s visual quality surpasses that of the PS5 in many areas. The report claims that it can also scale down to budget machines. However, it’s important to ensure that you’re not using an outdated HDD.
What is an SSD and how does it affect gaming performance
An SSD, or solid-state drive, is a type of storage device that uses flash memory to store data. It is different from a traditional hard disk drive (HDD). This is because it has no moving parts and is much faster at accessing data. Here are some ways that an SSD can affect gaming performance:
- Smoother gameplay: Many games perform thousands of tiny read-and-write operations as you play. This can result in hundreds of megabytes of data transfers. Upgrading to an SSD can result in an improvement in some open-world titles. This is mostly so with game engines that load in new areas and textures as you play. On HDDs, the seek time of the arm’s read/write head and the rotational latency of the magnetic platter below it create the latency behind these hitches. This means open-game worlds with more objects can benefit from an SSD.
- Faster load times: The primary function of an SSD is to store and load, or read and write, data. An SSD can do these things very, very quickly. In gaming, this can affect some very obvious things in pretty great ways. Loading screens, for example, are a big one. An SSD can load any data significantly faster than a traditional platter-based hard drive. This means that games can load faster and reduce the time spent waiting for the game to start.
- Reduced stuttering: Upgrading to an SSD will not increase your average gaming FPS. But it will improve game load times and reduce stuttering when traversing through open-world games. This is because an SSD can read and write data much faster than an HDD. This means that the game can access the data it needs more quickly. It will also reduce the amount of stuttering that occurs during gameplay.
In conclusion, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart can be played on a PC without an SSD. However, using an SSD can improve the game’s performance and provide a better overall experience. Ultimately, the decision of whether to use an SSD or not will depend on each player’s individual preferences.
Author Bio
Efe Udin is a seasoned tech writer with over seven years of experience. He covers a wide range of topics in the tech industry. From mobile phones to tablets, Efe has kept a keen eye on the latest advancements and trends. He aims to provide insightful analysis and reviews to inform and educate readers.