Apple recently hit the pause button on its upcoming software projects. Including iOS 18, macOS 15, watchOS 11, and tvOS 18. The decision to delay development was prompted by a need to address existing bugs in their current-generation software across various devices, such as iPhones, iPads, wearables, TVs, and Macs.
Apple Delays iOS 18 and macOS 15 for Bug Fixes
In response to this critical task, Apple’s Cupertino-based workforce received a directive to cease work on future software iterations. Instead, we redirected engineers to the essential mission of resolving present software issues and enhancing overall performance.
Mark Gurman’s report for Bloomberg revealed this change in Apple’s software development strategy. The driving force behind this shift is Craig Federighi, Apple’s Senior Vice President and Chief of Software. He has dedicated the past few years to the meticulous resolution of software bugs. His commitment to improving software quality has necessitated the temporary suspension of some upcoming products.
Insider sources cited by Gurman disclosed that Apple’s software engineering team, led by Federighi, discovered a concerning number of bugs that had been overlooked during internal testing.
The hiatus in software development will be relatively short, with Apple aiming to resume normal operations by the week’s end. It’s worth noting that last month, Apple did complete the first M1 versions of iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS 15. They halted further progress to prioritize bug fixes.
So, for users eagerly anticipating updates, iOS 17.4 is on the horizon. It will roll out in March as the final major update for the current software versions. Apple’s commitment to software quality reaffirms its dedication to delivering seamless and bug-free experiences to its vast user base.
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