Back in September of this year, Apple released the iPhone 15 series. The lineup came with the base, Plus, Pro, and Pro Max models. While the Pro models offer the best upgrades over the predecessors, they are a bit on the expensive end. But for those who can use the beefed-up specs, such as the camera, they’re definitely worth it.
However, Apple has proved that you don’t need to get the iPhone 15 Pro model to enjoy refined portrait shots. Instead, Apple has highlighted that the series’s base and most affordable phone is more than capable. Of course, the base model is behind in camera hardware, but Apple’s computational photography features make up for it.
Apple Highlights Portrait Camera Feature of Standard iPhone 15
While the iPhone 15 doesn’t come with a telephoto camera, it can still offer 2x zoom. Apple brought this feature by integrating computation photography skills into the phone. And the results are quite amazing. Now, just like the 2x zoom feature, the base model excels in terms of portrait photography.
As you can see from the video attached above, it’s easy to adjust the focus of the capture after taking the picture with the iPhone 15. This focus editing feature is a part of the device’s Portrait Mode. Thanks to how well it can shift the focus between subjects, taking portrait shots on the device is a piece of cake.
But you should note that the focus editing feature only works with the standard images taken with the wide-angle camera of the device. And it’s not something that’s exclusive to the base iPhone 15. The entire lineup has the feature. But on the base model, it makes it possible to take amazing shots even with a not-so-beefeed-up camera config. You can also check out DXOMARK’s camera test (link) on the device to get a clear idea of what it can deliver.
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