The OnePlus Ace 3 will be revealed on January 4. The handset will arrive soon with a bright display with up to 4,500 nits of brightness and the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. In terms of design, it will stick with the design seen in the past two generations of OnePlus flagships. It will have a centered punch-hole display and a circular camera module aligned to the left of the back. One of the unique aspects of this device, however, is the arrival of a Bronze/Gold color option. OnePlus has been teasing the phone and building the hype for it. Today, it shared a couple of camera samples to show the phone’s imaging capabilities.
OnePlus Ace 3 – Camera Samples Teased
The brand posted the images on Weibo, that reveals the main camera will have an f/1.8 aperture with a 24 mm equivalent focal length with a yet-unknown sensor. The images can be seen below and show the result of a decent camera combination coupled with proper software image processing. The images are beautiful and rich in detail. They show that the OnePlus Ace 3 will also offer a decent level of photography.
The images in full resolution are about 12.5 MP. That’s the final result of a 50 MP shooter after the pixel binning process. Therefore, it confirms the OnePlus Ace 3 will be equipped with the same 50 MP f/1.8 camera seen in the OnePlus Ace 2 Pro.
The OnePlus Ace 3 will arrive in China on January 4. The phone is expected to debut internationally in January alongside the OnePlus 12. The phone will arrive as a OnePlus 12R with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. It will also be equipped with a huge 5,500 mAh battery. OnePlus will keep sharing teasers in the coming days to build the hype for its upcoming release. It will be a solid cost-effective flagship with some cuts in the corners when compared to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3-powered OnePlus 12. However, the lower pricing point will make it an attractive option for consumers who want performance.