Netflix is making a significant shift in its billing practices by phasing out support for Apple’s App Store billing system. This follows a gradual process initiated in 2018, which stopped new and rejoining subscribers from utilizing this payment method. However, existing subscribers who opted for App Store billing at that time were able to continue.
Netflix Transitions Away from App Store Billing System

Recent developments indicate this grace period is nearing its end. According to reports by The Streamable, Netflix has begun notifying users who currently utilize App Store billing that they need to update their payment information to maintain uninterrupted service. This change is further confirmed by updates to Netflix’s support website, which mentions that “some Apple-billed members in select countries” may be prompted to update their payment methods. While specific countries remain unspecified, the update appearing on the US support website offers some indication.
By transitioning away from App Store billing entirely, Netflix eliminates the need to pay Apple a commission on subscriptions. The exact number of individuals still utilizing this method is unknown, but it’s likely a relatively small group considering its removal for new subscribers over five years ago.
This decision signifies Netflix’s continued efforts to streamline its operations and potentially offer subscribers a more direct payment experience. However, some users may need to adjust their payment methods to ensure uninterrupted access to the platform. If you’re unsure whether your subscription falls under this category, checking your account information or contacting Netflix support is recommended.
This move reflects broader industry trends where companies increasingly seek to manage their own billing systems. Potentially allowing for greater flexibility and potentially cost reduction. We will have to wait to see the impact on individual subscribers, but it underscores the evolving landscape of digital content distribution and subscription services.