The latest renderings of the upcoming Sony Xperia 1 VI mobile phone have been shared by Android Headline. The renders provide a detailed look at the device’s design and features. The renderings show the phone in two colours, black and white, although the actual colours appear closer to dark gray and beige. The front of the phone features a straight screen design, with the camera placed on the forehead, resulting in thicker forehead and chin areas. This design choice is consistent with Sony’s signature style, which emphasizes a unique silhouette.
Aspect Ratio Shift
The most significant change in the Xperia 1 VI’s design is the shift away from the 4K screen and the ultra-long screen aspect ratio of 21:9, which was a hallmark of the Xperia series. Instead, the new phone is expected to adopt a more industry-standard aspect ratio. This change is likely a cost-cutting measure for Sony, making the Xperia line more competitive in the market.
Camera and Features
The Sony Xperia 1 VI features three cameras on the back, located in the upper left corner, and includes a Zeiss logo, indicating that the phone’s lens will use Zeiss T* coating to reduce glare. The phone also has a 3.5mm headphone port on the top and all buttons are concentrated on the right side, including the power button that acts as a fingerprint sensor, the volume button, and the shutter button. There are also no buttons on the left side of the phone.
Protective Cover and Launch Date
Sony has also prepared a new bracket protective cover for the Xperia 1 VI mobile phone. The phone is expected to be released on May 17 this year, according to IT Home’s report. This date aligns with earlier rumours that the phone would be launched in May 2024.
The Sony Xperia 1 VI render reveals a significant departure from the company’s traditional design choices. There is a particular shift away from the 4K screen and the ultra-long screen aspect ratio of 21:9. This change is likely a strategic move to make the Xperia line more competitive in the market. However, the company will still maintain the overall aesthetic of the phone. With its new design and features, the Xperia 1 VI is expected to be an exciting addition to Sony’s lineup.