A few years ago, one would say that gaming on Mac was something impossible or at least hard to achieve. A few years ago, most PC games were made with Windows Computers in mind. However, this has changed in the past few years, and nowadays it’s pretty possible to make MacOS (and even Linux) suitable for some gaming sessions.
If you’re thinking of playing some games on of Mac, know that it’s doable. However, it may require a bit of effort. Bugs, performance glitches, and compatibility snags can pop up, but hey, that’s part of the fun, right? If you’re a Mac gaming enthusiast, you’ll roll with the punches. So, grab your Mac, brace for some hoops to jump through, and let’s dive into the gaming world together!

Alright, so here’s the deal: there are two ways to go about this – the easy way and the hard way. The easy way gets the job done for most folks, but it comes with a few limitations. On the other hand, the hard way offers more flexibility, but it’s also a bit buggier. If you want to cover all your bases and maximize your gaming options, you might just need to roll up your sleeves and tackle both methods. It’s a bit of a hassle, but hey, that’s the price of being a hardcore Mac gamer, right?
CrossOver – The Easy Method
So, let’s talk about the easy way: CrossOver. This nifty app does all the heavy lifting for you by translating Windows commands into Mac-friendly ones. And get this – it’s not just for games; it works with all sorts of Windows applications. What’s cool is that CrossOver has a dedicated team of developers constantly improving it, which means smoother performance for your apps.

But, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Firstly, CrossOver doesn’t support DirectX 12 yet. You’re stuck with DirectX 11 games for now, but don’t worry, support for DirectX 12 is on the way. Also, CrossOver isn’t free – it’ll set you back $74. Sure, there’s a 14-day trial to give it a spin, but if you wanna keep using it, you’ll need to cough up the cash.
Now, onto the setup:
- Step 1: Head over to the CrossOver website and hit that Free Trial button to grab the download. It’s important to start with the trial because while you can get a refund, it costs the developers time and money.
- Step 2: Once it’s downloaded, unzip the folder from your Downloads, and double-click on the CrossOver app. It’ll then magically hop over to your Applications folder.
- Step 3: Once you’ve fired up the app, hit that “Try Now” button. If you’ve already bought a license, just punch in your account deets to unlock the full version.
- Step 4: Once you’re in, you’ll see the CrossOver app staring back at ya. While you could install some games straight from here (there’s a bunch in the Popular Applications window), we’re gonna go for a game launcher instead. So, let’s say we wanna install Steam – just select it and click Install. You’ll probably get a few pop-ups along the way, like one for a new font for Steam and the Microsoft XML Parser. Just keep clicking through those installers as they pop up.
- Step 5: Once everything’s installed, Steam will open up like it would on a Windows PC. From here, you can install your games just like you normally would. CrossOver kinda creates this special little zone – a “bottle,” if you will – for each app you install, so all your games will live in their cozy bottle. You can even tinker around with some settings in CrossOver, like configuring controllers or doing a simulated reboot if you need to.