Apple Adds Chapter Segments Feature to iOS 18 Podcasts

Apple Music Collaborative Playlists

Apple’s iOS 18 Podcasts app has a new feature called “Chapter Segments.” This feature lets users pick and choose parts of a podcast they want to hear. This new addition by Apple was first reported by a user named Wristnut on Reddit. According to Macrumours, thios feature will make it easier to browse through the audio content.

iOS 18 Chapter Segments

What is Chapter Segments?

The “Chapter Segments” feature allows users to jump to different parts of a podcast. This makes it easier to find specific topics or sections in a podcast episode. The feature is not available for all podcasts. It depends on the creators to add chapters to their podcasts.

How Creators Add Chapters

Creators need to manually add chapters to their podcast files. They can do this by specifying chapters in the title of the MP4 file. Alternatively, they can use a third-party tool to edit the ID3 tags of MP3 or AAC files. This process requires some extra effort from the creators.

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How Users Access Chapter Segments

iOS and iPadOS 18 users can swipe up on the “Now Playing” screen to see the chapters. On macOS, users can tap the “Chapters” button in the top right corner of the Podcast app. This makes it easy for users to navigate through the podcast and find the parts they are interested in.

Visual Enhancements

Creators can also add artwork for each chapter. This artwork appears on the “Now Playing” screen and the lock screen on iOS and iPadOS. This feature adds a visual element to the podcast, making it more engaging for listeners.

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Benefits of Chapter Segments

The new feature makes it easier for users to listen to the parts of the podcast they like the most. It also helps users skip parts they are not interested in. This makes the listening experience more personalized and enjoyable.


Apple’s new “Chapter Segments” feature in iOS 18 Podcasts is a great addition for podcast listeners. It allows users to easily navigate through podcast episodes and find the content they want. Creators need to manually add chapters, but the effort can make their podcasts more engaging. This feature shows Apple’s commitment to improving the user experience in their apps.

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