Google Maps has been a friendly companion for most travelers and navigators around the world for some time now. The navigation platform has evolved to be a major navigation app on most smartphones and inside vehicles due to its efficiency, accuracy and of course continuous improvements. To make Maps more efficient and useful for users, Google has introduced four new features that will make Maps even better as these features will address most summer navigation woes. If you intend to hit the road this supper, these new features in Google Maps should help make your trip easier and fun.
Airports and Train Stations Navigation
Big airports and train stations can be confusing, especially if you’ve never been there before. But Maps can help you find what you need fast! They have a special “Directory” tab for airports, malls and train stations.
This is great if you’re rushing to catch your train and need to grab a coffee or a last-minute gift. The “Directory” tab also shows you the opening hours and floor level for each shop, restaurant, and even car parks.
Skip the Crowds
Don’t like crowds? Google Maps can help you avoid them! The app has a tool called “Busyness” that shows how crowded a place is at that very moment.
This works for any place, like a beach or a famous landmark. You’ll see a chart that shows you how busy it is right now. In some places, Google Maps will even tell you automatically if an area is crowded.
Going on a road trip? Google Maps can help you plan your stops. You can add up to several stops between your starting point and ending point. This way, you can find gas stations and rest stops along the way.
While you’re using navigation, you can also search for places nearby without leaving the app. This is useful for finding things like gas stations, restaurants, or repair shops.
If you use Gmail, Google Maps can show you all your reservations, including flights, hotels, and even restaurant reservations. Just search for “My reservations” in the search bar.
Google Maps Multiple Stops
Planning a road trip this summer? Google Maps can be your best friend! Here’s a handy tip: you can add multiple stops along the way, so you can find gas stations and rest stops without going off track.
Here’s how to do it: just put in your final destination in Google Maps, then tap the three dots in the top corner and choose “Add stop.” You can add as many stops as you want and even move them around to get the order just right.
Even better, you don’t even have to plan all your stops ahead of time! Google Maps has a “Search along route” feature. This lets you find things like gas stations or restaurants while you’re already using navigation. So, you can keep driving and get what you need without leaving the app.
All Bookings in One Place on Google Maps
Google Maps goes beyond just navigation! It can also help you manage your trip. If you use Gmail, you can see all your bookings right in the app, including flights, hotels, car rentals, and even restaurant reservations. Just search for “My reservations” to see everything in one place.
Google Maps can also be your travel buddy, not just your guide! If you use Gmail, you can see all your bookings right in the app. This includes flights, hotels, car rentals, and even restaurant reservations. Just search for “My reservations” to see everything in one place. Remember, this only works if you use Gmail since Google Maps pulls the info from your inbox.