Qualcomm has unveiled its latest chipset, the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2. Designed specifically for budget smartphones, the new chip promises to bring 5G connectivity to a wider audience. Unlike its predecessor, the 4 Gen 2, this new model is built on a more efficient 4nm process. This means the newest SoC is a proper upgraded to the non-s variant.
More Details About the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2
Under the hood, the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 packs an octa-core CPU. This setup includes two performance cores based on the Cortex-A78 architecture clocked at 2.0GHz and six efficiency cores using the Cortex-A55 design running at 1.8GHz. Compared to the 4 Gen 2, all cores in the 4s Gen 2 have been slowed down by 200 MHz.
Qualcomm has paired the CPU with an unspecified Adreno GPU. The chipset also supports slower LPDDR4x RAM, a step down from the faster LPDDR5 found in some mid-range devices. However, it maintains support for UFS 3.1 storage, ensuring decent app load times and data transfer speeds.
The Snapdragon 4s Gen 2 comes equipped with a 5G modem capable of delivering download speeds up to 1Gbps. This enables users to enjoy faster downloads, smoother streaming, and better overall online experiences.
In terms of display support, the chipset can drive screens with up to FHD+ resolution and a 90Hz refresh rate, ensuring smooth visuals for gaming and everyday use. The integrated image signal processor (ISP) can handle camera sensors up to 84 megapixels, allowing for detailed and high-resolution photography.
For wireless connectivity, the 4s Gen 2 offers Wi-Fi 5 and Bluetooth 5.1, providing reliable connections for various devices and accessories.
India is the initial target market for devices powered by the Snapdragon 4s Gen 2. Xiaomi has already confirmed that it will bring the first smartphone powered by the chipset. We can expect to see more smartphones equipped with this chipset hitting the shelves in the coming months.