WhatsApp, Meta’s popular messaging app, has added a new feature to its group chats: event planning. This update, available in the latest iOS version (24.15.79), lets users easily organize events, meetings, or social gatherings directly within their group chats.
Before this update, WhatsApp users could only create events in Communities. Now, they can create events in any group chat, making planning much easier. To start, users just tap the “+” button in a group chat and select “Event.”
WhatsApp Adds Group Event Planning Feature
The event creation tool is simple and user-friendly. Users can enter important details like the event name, description, date, time, and location. They can also choose how to communicate during the event, whether through voice or video calls. Once an event is created, all group members get a notification, ensuring everyone is informed.
WhatsApp is known for its strong commitment to user privacy. This new feature keeps event details private with end-to-end encryption, so only group members can see the information. This ensures a secure space for planning and coordinating events.
The rollout of this feature has begun, as reported by WaBetaInfo. iOS users should update their WhatsApp app to the latest version to access the new event planning feature.
This new addition could transform how groups coordinate and plan on WhatsApp. By integrating event creation into group chats, WhatsApp makes it easier for users to organize both personal and professional events.