Qualcomm has unveiled the latest Snapdragon 6 Gen 3 chipset. It is a chipset specifically designed for budget-friendly smartphones. Yet, it still includes some key features. Although part of the Snapdragon 6 lineup, it performs similarly to the Snapdragon 7s Gen 2. Let’s check out all the details regarding the chipset below.
Snapdragon 6 Gen 3 Specifications
The Snapdragon 6 Gen 3 chipset boosts performance in budget-friendly smartphones. It has four fast 2.4 GHz Cortex-A78 cores and four energy-saving 1.8 GHz Cortex-A55 cores. The integrated Adreno 710 GPU handles the graphics. The chipset also supports LPDDR4x and LPDDR5 RAM, along with UFS 3.1 storage. Its 4nm architecture ensures high efficiency.
The Snapdragon 6 Gen 3 offers up to a 10% improvement in CPU performance. It also boosts GPU performance by 30% compared to its earlier version. This chipset aims for smoother multitasking, quicker app loading, and better gaming. It also comes with advanced AI capabilities, like many new chipsets today.
Gamer-Friendly Features
The new chip offers features for gamers as well. This platform includes several Snapdragon Elite Gaming features. For example, it has Variable Rate Shading to enhance power and performance. There’s more: Qualcomm Game Color Plus improves visuals by making colors, sharpness, and details better.
Plus, the Qualcomm Spectra Triple ISP enhances photo and video functions. It can handle up to 200 MP single-shot photos and provides AI-driven de-noising to improve low-light images.
Connectivity and Compatibility
That said, the Snapdragon 6 Gen 3 is aiming to make its space in the competitive mid-range market. It offers decent value, especially with high-end performance and the latest connectivity options. However, a final verdict can only be given on real-life testing. Hopefully, we will see new phones with this chipset in the market soon. Let us know your opinions on this new chip in the comments below.