Qualcomm introduced the 8-core Snapdragon X Plus processor at IFA 2024. This new chip shares the same architecture as its more powerful siblings—the 12-core X Elite and the 10-core X Plus—but is a more affordable choice for consumers. While it doesn’t have the advanced graphics capabilities of the higher-end models, it’s ideal for entry-level laptops. It offers a good balance between performance and efficiency, which is perfect for users who don’t need top-tier graphics.
The New Qualcomm Snapdragon X Plus Offers Perfect Balance Between Performance and Consumption with Oryon Cores
The 8-core Snapdragon X Plus comes with a smaller 30MB CPU cache, which is 12MB less than its more powerful versions. It also has less than half the GPU power for gaming and productivity apps, leading to about 50% lower graphics performance, according to Qualcomm’s tests. For CPU tasks, it trails the 12-core Snapdragon X Elite by about 20%. However, it still matches the productivity performance of the 10-core X Plus processors.
“The first and best Copilot+ PCs are powered by Snapdragon X Series platforms, ushering in a new era of personal computing driven by our innovative NPU,” stated Cristiano Amon, President and CEO of Qualcomm Incorporated. “With the Snapdragon X Plus 8-core, we’re extending these transformative AI experiences to a broader audience. Offering best-in-class performance and extraordinary battery life through our power-efficient custom Qualcomm Oryon CPU. We are proud to collaborate with leading global OEMs and retail partners to expand our portfolio. Enabling both enterprise customers and consumers to benefit from these advancements.”
The built-in GPU, along with support for up to three external monitors, ensures excellent graphics and immersive visuals. At the heart of the Snapdragon X Plus 8-core is a powerful 45 TOPS NPU. It offers great AI processing power and top efficiency. Combined with advanced connectivity features, this platform boosts productivity in ultra-portable devices to new heights.
New Laptops Will Launch Soon
The 8-core Snapdragon X Plus is expected to bring laptop prices down even more than Qualcomm’s ARM processors did earlier this year. New laptops with this processor will be announced soon. The Asus Vivobook S 15 is priced around $899, compared to $1,300 for models with the 12-core Snapdragon X Elite. Similarly, Dell’s Inspiron 14 will also cost $899. It will stand as a great choice for those looking for solid performance without spending too much.