Earlier this month, Realme took the wraps off its Realme GT 7 Pro smartphone in China. The Chinese exclusivity was short-lived as the smartphone made its global debut a few days ago. Now, it is finally reaching India – one of Realme’s most important global markets. The device brings most of the specifications but curiously cuts the battery capacity for a smaller package. The handset is available in Galaxy Grey and Mars Orange color options with two memory configurations – 12GB/256GB and 16GB/512GB.
The base model costs INR 59,999 ($710), whereas the top variant is on sale for INR 65,999 ($710). It’s currently on sale through Realme India’s website, Amazon.in, and offline retail stores.
Realme GT 7 Pro Specifications and Key Features
The Realme GT 7 Pro is the first smartphone in India to feature the Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC. It runs on Android 15 with Realme UI 6.0 and comes with a 6.78-inch LTPO AMOLED display. The panel offers a 120Hz refresh rate and a 1,264p resolution. The display also integrates an ultrasonic fingerprint scanner for extra convenience.
The Realme GT 7 Pro is equipped with four cameras: a 50MP primary lens, a 50MP telephoto lens with 3x optical zoom, an 8MP ultrawide camera with a 112˚ field of view, and a 16MP front camera for selfies. It is powered by a 5,800mAh battery with 120W fast charging support. In other regions, the device comes with a larger 6,500mAh battery.
We don’t know exactly what explains Realme’s decision to leave the larger battery out of India. In any case, this capacity is more than enough for most of the users even on demanding usage. The larger 6,500 mAh battery is something that we have not been used to, and 5,800 mAh already means an improvement over the Realme GT 6 and its 5,550 mAh capacity.
The new handset gets some advantage over the competition, as most of the Snapdragon 8 Elite smartphones will take until 2025 to be globally launched.