Back in November, Realme unveiled its new flagship Realme GT 7 Pro revealing an impressive 6,500 mAh battery. Thanks to the use of silicon-carbon batteries, smartphone makers are now increasing their capacity while keeping the same footprint as older Li-on batteries. The company was able to keep the phone’s thickness at 8.55 mm. The new technology is here to stay and promises further improvements in the capacity. While Oppo, another company under the BBK group, is set to explore this with a 7,000 mAh flagship soon, Realme could go beyond with its next flagship, Realme GT 8 Pro, possibly reaching 8,000 mAh. The new info comes from the very reliable Digital Chat Station.
Realme’s New Flagship (Possibly Realme GT 8 Pro) Tested with 8,000, 7,500, and 7,000mAh battery capacities
The brand is still not satisfied with the 6,500 mAh capacity and wants to explore new heights soon. The tipster DSC states that Realme is considering three battery options for its next-generation flagship. The device, presumably coming as Realme GT 8 Pro, is the test subject. Each prototype has impressive capacity but with some trade-offs in charging speed. We already know that this trade-off is usually worth it.
The most ambitious option is one with an 8,000 mAh battery. It will provide spectacular endurance with “slower” 80W charging. The technology would lead to long charging times of around 1 hour and 10 minutes. A more moderate option is a 7,500 mAh battery with 100W charging. This would be the balanced version with decent charging times and long endurance. Finally, there is also a 7,000 mAh option in consideration with 120W charging. This would take about 42 minutes to complete a charge, and the battery would still be beyond the usual in the smartphone market.
While these details are based on leaks and subject to change, Digital Chat Station has a reliable track record. The fact that Oppo and other brands are also exploring this, makes sense as these companies tend to share technology. We are already impressed with flagship smartphones offering great performance and long battery life, the next years will be exciting with the use of Silicon-carbon batteries. Hopefully, we will see multi-day battery flagships soon.
We are still months away from the Realme GT 8 Pro release. The Realme GT7 Pro will start its global rollout soon, reaching India. We expect more details to emerge, and more advances in this technology will certainly be made throughout 2025.