Honor has launched its latest smartphone, the Honor GT, aimed at gamers and power-demanding users. The device brings notable hardware, a smooth display, and fast charging to ensure reliable performance during extended use. At its core, the Honor GT runs on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 processor, a powerful chip known for its high-level efficiency. To manage heat under heavy loads, the device includes Honor’s 3D cooling system. It features a 5,514 mm² VC heatsink, graphite-based parts, and 9W thermal gel, helping to maintain optimal temperatures for consistent output. The phone offers up to 16GB of RAM and 1TB of storage, making it capable of handling multitasking, large files, and demanding games without lag. Users can expect quick app launches and smooth performance during day-to-day tasks or intensive use.
Stunning 120Hz AMOLED Screen
The 6.7-inch AMOLED screen offers FHD+ visuals with a 120Hz refresh rate, ensuring smooth scrolling and sharp clarity. With a peak local brightness of 4,000 nits, the display stays bright even under strong sunlight. The device also includes an in-display fingerprint scanner for quick unlock and a 16MP front camera for clear selfies.
Under the hood, the Honor GT comes with a 5,300mAh silicon-carbon battery. This device also supports 100W wired charging. This means that the phone refuels quickly, making it ideal for gamers and users on the go. Its long-lasting battery reduces the need for frequent charges, setting the device apart for extended use.
The rear camera setup features a 50MP main sensor powered by Sony’s IMX906, offering sharp and clear shots. Alongside it, a 12MP ultrawide lens provides excellent coverage for group photos and wide-angle scenes. Together, these cameras ensure high-quality images and video capture.
The Honor GT smartphone is available in three colour options: Ice White, Phantom Black, and Aurora Green. The base model, equipped with 12GB RAM and 256GB storage, is priced at CNY 2,199 ($302). The top-tier version, featuring 16GB RAM and 1TB storage, is available for CNY 3,299 ($453).
The phone can now be purchased in China through Honor’s official website. The first units will begin shipping on December 18, making the Honor GT a compelling choice for gamers and tech enthusiasts.