Redmi recently unveiled plans to launch the Redmi 14C 5G on January 6, along with a sneak peek at its design. The device will join the existing 4G variant. Alongside this, the company revealed the device will come in three distinct colors, each with its own unique marketing name. The available hues include Stardust Purple, Starlight Blue, and Stargaze Black, which offer a sleek and stylish palette for prospective buyers.
Redmi also disclosed that the Redmi 14C 5G will feature a 6.88-inch screen with a centered punch-hole design. This display will offer an HD+ resolution and a smooth 120Hz refresh rate, enhancing the overall visual experience. While the resolution of the front-facing camera remains under wraps, it has been confirmed that the rear camera will be equipped with a 50MP primary sensor for high-quality photography.
As the launch date of January 6 approaches, more details about the Redmi 14C 5G are expected to emerge, building anticipation for the device.