Samsung recently unveiled its latest flagship devices, the Galaxy S25, Galaxy S25+, and Galaxy S25 Ultra, during its grand Unpacked event. While the launch has garnered widespread attention, one of Samsung’s competitors, Honor, decided to weigh in with a playful jab. Honor’s response, delivered through a social media post, aims for Samsung’s new lineup, though its execution has left some scratching their heads.
Honor’s unconventional approach to trolling
Honor’s attempt to troll Samsung came in the form of a video posted on X. The video features an unboxing of various accessories on a London street, suggesting that Samsung’s flagship phones require a host of additional gadgets to offer their best performance. The implied message? Users can skip the hassle by opting for the Honor Magic7 Pro, which supposedly eliminates the need for these extras.
This lighthearted jab appears to be Honor’s way of positioning its Magic7 Pro as a more convenient, all-in-one alternative to Samsung’s devices. While it’s not uncommon for rival brands to poke fun at each other, Honor’s execution stood out by taking the trolling offline and staging it in a public setting.
Questionable timing and claims
The timing of Honor’s dig is curious, as Samsung’s new Galaxy S25 series hasn’t even hit store shelves yet. This raises questions about how Honor can confidently claim that Samsung’s devices would require numerous accessories to compete with its Magic7 Pro. Furthermore, while the Magic7 Pro is a solid flagship in its own right, it remains unclear how its features directly contrast with Samsung’s latest offerings.
Honor’s fun jab might help hide recent woes, like leadership changes and trouble staying strong in a market led by Samsung. Still, this joke shows Honor’s drive to take bold steps in ads. While Honor earns points for creativity and effort, it’s uncertain if this campaign will connect with buyers or impact their choices. Samsung remains a global leader in the mobile phone market, selling far more devices than Honor each year. Whether this playful jab helps Honor gain attention or ends up as a brief moment of amusement is yet to be seen. One thing is clear: the fight for flagship dominance goes on.