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AGM Pad P2 Active Review: Robust Tablet in a Practical Case

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Why Apple Intelligence won’t work in EU and China (for now)

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iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max Arrive As AI Beasts Featuring Apple Intelligence

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We all expected HTC to be one of the first big manufacturers to pounce in to the Android Tablet market, but the Taiwanese smart phone …

Samsung are a funny bunch. Instead of dising on competitors tablets and pointing our the flaws in what their rivals have done, they have actually …

No matter how much we love our Android phones and tablets, we really deep down inside feel a little ashamed of the Android market. The …

Things aren’t as rosy as they seem out at camp iPad as customers have started to notice and complain about a problem with the tablet’s …

Although it’s upsetting to here that HP are canceling plans to produce an Android tablet it does make perfect business sense. HP now own Palm …

Business Insider published information this week detailing the difference in application numbers available for Apple iOS devices and Android running devices and while the gap …

Being the first to launch a product with the latest operating system or a new software is always going to be a turbulent time with …

One of the main hardware specifications most of us look at when buying a new tablet or comparing the latest and greatest is the speed …

While Chinese tablet makers await the yet to go public Android 3.0 O.S and for the relevant components to drop in price, they have been …

A hidden feature in the Android 3.0 Honeycomb apk suggests that Google is close to revealing a new service that will give Android users the …

It’s been a few weeks since we posted one of our favorite decorative backgrounds for a favorite tablet devices, but this week we have a …

Lenovo are really getting their Android tablet game on. Their LePad tablet is currently getting preordered by Chinese techies and their are rumours that a …

A Toshiba employee has been bad mouthing the iPad 2 and while bigging up Toshiba’s up and coming Android powered tablet. While it’s only natural …

Seems like a pretty odd question really, surely a camera capable of recording HD video will provide crisp and clear images for all but the …

With all the news about applications with malware hidden inside applications found on the Android market, some have been calling out for Google to become …

We all love the Android market for it open nature. The fact the developers can make applications quickly to whatever specifications they desire and upload …

A new app called We7 promises to bring free music to Android users via it’s in ad service. The new app is part of the …

With all the big name companies bringing their own tablets out (Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Apple) it’s been easy to forget about Chinese tablet makers, the …

If you are anything like me you might occasionally enjoy drifting back off to the early 90’s and enjoy a bit of nostalgia by playing …

Saab will soon be offering Android equipped entertainment systems built in to their luxury cars. The IQon in car entertainment system is likely to make …