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HyperOS 2.0: more than 60 Xiaomi Smartphones eligible for update

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The Future of Gaming: PS6’s Backward Compatibility Unveiled [Reuters]

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iPhone 15 Pro Max VS iPhone 16 Pro Max: Top 4 Things to Consider Before Upgrading

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There have been iPad knock offs and iPad Mini clones but this is the first iPad Mini Cell phone we’ve seen! Photos and videos after …

Yesterdays extremely successful launch of the Meizu M9 Android smart phone may well be accompanied by an equally frenzyful Meizu tablet launch!

It wasn’t only us who were at their local Meizu store today and got to play with Meizu’s amazing new M9 Android Smartphone, literally thousands …

It’s the new year and as promised the Meizu M9 is in stores and not just the big cities like first expected. We happened to …

So Santa brought you one of the many Chinese made Android tablets for Christmas did he? And the past few days you’ve been playing with …

We’ve had so much interest in the Meizu M9 over the past few weeks! It still amazes me that Meizu aren’t looking at an international …

Jack Wong, the loose lipped CEO of Meizu has been on the companies forum again answering questions for Meizu fans. This time he has confirmed …

Tough luck if you’re a Meizu fan and living in the United States. The M9 will only run at edge speeds (unless of course there …

Christmas Day came and went and there’s still no sign of the Meizu M9 in shops, so it looks like we’ll have to wait until …

The latest iPod Nano really captured the imagination of folks and quickly got turned in to, what is possibly, the first touch screen watch. Here …

It’s been a while since the LePad last reared its transforming tablet face, but here it is again. Looking like a giant 10.1 inch iPhone …

Despite Meizu confirming the M9 isn’t destined for markets outside of China (if you fancy one click here) they’ve been kind enough to include and …

We reported in November that ZTE and Sprint had teamed up to release the popular Apple Peel 520 to the U.S market, the now legendary …

China Mobile and Mircosoft aren’t the most charismatic companies in the world, yes they’re big (both are the biggest in their fields in fact) but …

The M9 is really kicking up a storm in China where it’s just had its first few official hands on reviews, and most comments have …

Christmas has come early Meizu fans! Video after the jump.

Those lucky guys over at cn.engadget have been sent a brand spanking new Meizu M9 for review, and have posted some unboxing photos, which give …

The Meizu M9 may only be a week away and details still a bit of a mystery, but one resourceful Meizume forum member has pieced …

Jack Wong said a few weeks ago the only thing slowing the M9’s release was waiting for the Network Permit, which will allow Meizu to …

I’m not sure if this is an actual purpose built waterproof white iPhone 4 knock off, a home made modification, or just a guy getting …