NFC Enabled iPhones Arrive in Taiwan
There was a lot of talk in the run up to the launch of the ‘new iPhone’ that the next generation iPhone would feature …
The Best HTC Sensation Knock-off money can buy: Video
HTC Sensation is a amazing smartphone, and is the top 5 hot phones in US, and it is imitate object of China factories. On the …
Does LG’s Doubleplay Dual Screen Phone Equal Double Fun?
Generally, we think of “slide phones” as last generation – yesterday’s underwear. The LG DoublePlay looks to redefine the slide phone by giving itself dual …
Acer Planning new Windows Phones for Christmas
Windows phones don’t get much coverage here at Gizchina, but were going to put that right starting today with news that Acer are planning to …
6 Reasons You Will Love the HTC Sensation XL
The original Sensation smart-phone from HTC, was the Taiwan based manufacturers first attempt at cracking the dual core smart phone market and their first …
iPhone 4S Available on the grey market for $1350 in Hong Kong and China
The iPhone 4S has yet to be officially launched in China or Hong Kong yet, but that hasn’t stopped the latest iPhone from going …
Siri Ported To iPhone 4: Video
So it looks as thought there could be the faintest glimmer of hope that iPhone 4 owners will be able to get the Siri …
Amazing Samsung Galaxy S2 Clong Hands On Video
Factories in China may well be making a ton of cash copying Apple’s iconic products, but that’s not all they copy. Check out this video …
Xiaomi Speeding Up Production Of First Phone To Meet Launch Date
Xiaomi have their production facilities running on overtime to bring their first ever smartphone to the market with as little delay as possible.
Video: How Does Siri Handle Japanese English?
I was blown away after watching Apple’s iPhone 4S Siri promo, the voice activated personal asisstant seemed to listen and understand spoken natural English! …
iPhone 4S gets an iFixit tear down: Video
The iFixit crew have got their hands and tools on the the latest iPhone have have ripped her to pieces!
Apple Fans Camping Outside Apple Stores for iPhone 4S Launch!
Apple fans, smart phone fans, gadget fans and Steve Jobs fans from 30 countries around the world are currently sat outside Apple stores preparing …
Someone tell Hong Kong the iPhone 4S won’t launch today!
Living in China and Hong Kong means that you have to wait a few months longer to get your hands on the latest Apple …
iPhone 4S Already Pulling in Crowds
The latest addition to the iPhone family is finally arriving in Apple stores across the globe in anticipation of what is likely to be …
Lenovo Topples Dell to become No.2 Global PC seller
New market reasearch reports by IDC and Gartner are telling an interesting tale, one that has Chinese largest PC maker overtaking Dell as the …
Get Siri On Your iPhone 4, iPad and iPod Now!
If like me and you only bought an iPhone 4 a couple of months ago, you will be feeling a little torn about what to …
iPhone 4S Owners Reporting Yellow Screens
Apple’s support forums are filling up with iPhone 4S users who have found their new phones to have yellow screens. The yellowing has been …