Korean Police are packing a Ferrari a Porsche and a Lambo!
These pictures have just surfaced of 3 Korean police SUPER cars! The images show a Ferrari, Porsche and a Lamborghini in Police livery. Here I …
Chinese Ingenuity: Bamboo Olympic Stadium
Every week we will be posting an article, video or image highlighting the ingenuity of China’s ‘Joe Public’. We already posted a video of a …
‘Strida’ Electric Bike
Folding bikes are big business these days. Thanks to eco warriors and traffic tolls we’re seeing more and more of the tiny wheeled menaces on …
Latest iPhone clone runs Android O.S
We’ve seen our fair share of dodgy iPhone copies over the past few years. Most of which have looked the part, but have really lacked …
Hubless BMX. The future of flatland?
While you may not see this hubless, spokeless and chainless BMX at the skatepark anytime soon it’s still definetly an awesome project and could possibly …
Macbook Air Clone for $230
It was only a matter of time that the giant xerox machine that is the counterfeit market got its hands on Apple’s delicious Air. Keep …