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AGM Pad P2 Active Review: Robust Tablet in a Practical Case

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iPhone 15 Pro Max VS iPhone 16 Pro Max: Top 4 Things to Consider Before Upgrading

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Apple AirPods 4 Released With Active Noise Cancellation and Enhanced Features

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We were really beginning to think the iPod forgers were taking an extended vacation! The iPod Nano 6 launched in September, 2 months ago, with …

The problem with most modern GPS systems is that they rely on clear roads and typical speed limit time estimates. Sure they can tell you …

We’re unsure if this is really a knock off Samsung Galaxy S (as the video claims) or a real hand set, but either way getting …

Sounding like the name of a cheesy 70’s Kung Fu move the ‘Breast Goddesses Cell Phone Holder’ is the name given to those well endowed …

China’s 2 largest software companies Tencent (developers of the famous QQ software) and 360 (developers of a hugely popular anti-virus system) have been at each …

China’s three major telecom operators will soon be battling over a new field. The app market field. China Unicom are currently testing their Wostore application …

We’ve already posted news on Huawei’s bargain Android handset, but our friends over at ChiiTech have spilt the beans on two new Android 2.2 running …

If you just want something to chuck in your backpack so you can keep connected at school or on the road this $90 Android tablet …

Heading to Qingdao, Shandong any time in the future? Then this is a must have for any iPhone, iPod or iPad owner. The app is …

Its literally been days since confirmation of a Sony PSP phone made headlines, but that relatively short passage of time has been more than enough …

Last week we posted a rather convincing looking Vaio TT netbook clone available in Shenzhen for an amazing 1500 Yuan! ($225) Not only was the …

Nanshan Experimental School in Shenzhen have bought 88 new iPads for it’s first grade students. The school and parents came to the unanimous agreement to …

We’ve already covered a bunch of iPad stands ranging from the fancy to the simple. But perhaps just going out and buying a stand stems …

Are you a cheapskate like me? Did you buy a bottom of the range car? Do you now wish you had sprung the extra cash …

Here’s a video of the wonder table we posted pictures of  last week. We get to see the connection and the use of a dedicated …

Back when the iPad had been officially unmasked and we eagerly waited it’s launch the Shenzhen based electronics companies rushed out prototypes and mock ups …

Oh man! If only we’d known about this camera last week for Halloween! Sure it looks like your standard 5 mega-pixel camera and yes it …

Oh dear! Oh deary me! All the rumors pointed at a November launch of a smaller 7-8 inch iPad. All the gadget blogs said it …

Back in the 80’s the idea of a watch acting as a phone, camera and music player was the stuff of dreams. Or did it …

The Shanzhai market is really hotting up with customers demanding better clones are more features and this Windows Mobile totting iPhone 4 clone is proof …