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The Future of Gaming: PS6’s Backward Compatibility Unveiled [Reuters]

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AGM Pad P2 Active Review: Robust Tablet in a Practical Case

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iPhone 15 Pro Max VS iPhone 16 Pro Max: Top 4 Things to Consider Before Upgrading

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Chinese website Shanzhaiben took a few minutes to compare the Android aPad to the Apple iPad. Here’s what they noted after a quick once over. …

China launched it’s 6th SinoSat satellite in to orbit this morning (Sunday) at 12:14 am. The new satellite, which will take the place of SinoSat …

It’s Sunday and I’m in the middle of washing the clothes. In between trips to and from the washing machine I decided to pop on …

Despite the fact the iPad has yet to officially launch in China (and sources tell us there is a delay) NetEase e-mail CEO Ding Lei …

There are literally hundreds of fake iPhone 4’s on the market here in China. Varying from not bad, to total garbage. Problem is with so …

Ever been out and about and wished you’d taken your newly purchased paper back book with you? Perhaps you planned to pop in to town …

Shanda have released details that it plans to launch some of it’s titles on to Apple’s iOS devices in the near future. As the the …

Not only is this 330 meter tall building currently the tallest building in China’s capital, but is also has a mighty long name to go …

Last week we posted a blurry video of the Samsung Galaxy Tablet , this week though we have a great video from Korean TV  of …

If you can’t wait until tomorrow to see what Apple have in store for you take a look at these cases that were recently leaked …

The Chinese press have been speculating for months about what Motorola had planned for it’s Chinese phone range, and it looks like they’ve finally spilled …

Cell phone numbers have always been easy to get hold of here in China. You could go to your local branch of China Unicom or …

Wow! Now this really got me excited when I saw it! I really do love classic cars, but unfortunately there are zero classics here in …

We’re seen everything from the Apple stable cloned over the past few years. iPods to iPhones, iMac’s to Macbook Air’s and more recently a Macbook Pro clone and a whole slew of iPad knock offs.
This, however marks the first time we’ve seen Apple’s consumer level white plastic Macbook cloned.

China’s self developed manned submarine successfully reached a depth of 3759 meters with a full crew on board. This marks the first time a Chinese …

It looks like all the rumours are true! Last night we reported that a local department store were taking pre-orders on the iPad, and that …

If you head to Changsha any time soon and need to visit the ladies room don’t be surprised to find a miniature urinal in there. …

After a lot of speculation we have confirmation that the iPad will go on sale in China in only 10 days! Pricing details inside!

Looks like someone got their grubby hands on a Samsung Galaxy Tablet and managed to make this covert recording, which shows off a few of this Android tablets features. It looks great!!