Huawei might be having second thoughts about their Ascend P6 and may launch a Huawei Ascend P6 Google Edition after all.

If you like your Google to have the natural taste of Jelly Bean (or Key Lime Pie) then a recent update on the official Oppo Facebook page will certainly interest you.

It looks as though a lot of Xiaomi Mi2A owners are struggling to install the Google Play Store on their new Xiaomi Mi2A phones, great news though there is an easy way to do it!

Google’s eyewear based mobile computer, aka the Google Glass is only available to lucky ‘Explorers’ hand picked by Google themselves, but that doesn’t mean you …

The mighty Nexus 4 is an awesome Android smartphone at an amazing price, so what can LG and Google do with the Nexus 5?

It was only a matter of time before someone in China decided to produce their own version of Google Glasses, and that someone is search …

Mobile device giant Huawei have announced that they too are working on camera equipped eyewear which could rival Google’s own project Glass.

There were plenty of rumours circling about the Asus Qube joining the Nexus Q and becoming a Nexus Google TV, however it turns out those …

As we look back on 2012 there were a lot of technologies that seems like safe bets that just didn’t make it to market. One …

We’ve been experiencing problems with over the past week but put it down to slow internet, however today reports are flooding in that many …

Google and LG rocked the gadget world this week by launching the Nexus 4! A quad-core flagship Android phone which has an affordable $299 price …

Chinese iPhone 5 clone makers have waisted no time manufacturing and launching some sweet looking knock-off of the latest Apple phone. The ZoPhone iPhone 5 …

More iPad mini rumours have surfaced this time concerning the new 7 inch Apple tablet’s reported specification, but if reports are true the iPad mini …

The tablet on everybody’s mind in the one grabbing all the headlines recently is Google’s Nexus 7 Jelly Bean tablet and while the Nexus 7 …

The Nexus 7 tablet has been selling like crazy across the US and Europe, with many resellers and stores announcing they are already out of …

There have been plenty of Chinese Facebook clones, Twitter knock off’s and Pinterest wannabes in China, but Freebao represent the first time aspects of all …

So Google have released their own competitor to DropBox and it’s called Google Drive, however if you have tried to access the new service you …

We all like to hack our Android devices, but this is one Android tablet hack we don’t want to see. This latest Android hack actually …

Changing the your Google account for Gmail and the Android market on your Android smartphone or Android tablet usually means performing a factory reset on …