A few months ago tablet maker Ainol showed off their planned Novo concept tablet in all its splendid shiny white, Honeycomb packed glory. Since then …

Fancy a bit of gaming goodness on your Android device? Well take a look at our top Android game picks for this week. Guerrilla Bob …

IPS technology was first seen in tablets with the launch of the original iPad, but it has taken this long for IPS screen technology prices …

The iPad might be the king of tablet town now, but some experts predict that Apple could loose their dominant position in the tablet market …

Just when you thought there couldn’t possibly be another original iPad coming out now the iPad 2 is available, the Yayee vPad jumps up in …

Five Sony Playstation titles have launched on Google’s Android app store this week. The games including  Syphon Filter, MediEvil and Cool Boarders 2, became available …

Why are so many people getting all excited about news that Android now get’s in app billing? Surely that’s just another way for developers to …

Android is pretty blessed when it comes to great applications. As users of the little droid OS we get to take full advantage of Adobe’s …

As Android users the words malware, virus and good generally don’t go hand in hand, but like everything in life there is an exception to …

The Dropad originally grabbed our attention a few months ago for looking like an over-sized iPhone 4! The 7 inch Android tablet has some pretty …

Google seem to be mapping everything! If it’s not the Internet, its your street! They’ve even mapped the stars and planets! The latest app by …

China still seems to be the place to find obscure, interesting and often innovative gadgets and tablet devices, and this latest tablet which was sent …

Amazon already have a huge digital empire spanning from books and movies to music and now Android applications so what’s the next step for the …

Here’s this week Android Tablet wallpaper of the week. It’s a cheeky number depiciting our fave little green droid munching on a rather expensive and …

The Amazon Android App store is on a bit of a roll this week. First the store launched, yesterday they gave away the premium version …

Barnes & Nobles Nook Color is essentially a $250 Android tablet only without the features of other Android tablets such as email client, web browser …

RIM’s playbook is coming and at an iPad 2 fighting price, and with iPad 2 beating features. Best of all though is the fact that …

It’s been a while since we had a Shanzhai phone on Gizchina, so let’s bring them back! And what better phone to start with than …

Well well well what do we have here? It looks like an iPad, it’s the same size as an iPad, it has the same screen …