Nvida may have been first to release a dual core CPU for mobile devices with its Tegra 2 chips, but they won’t be the last. …

The Galaxy Tab has been on the market for quite a few months now, but compared to the iPad it’s seeing relatively little success (at …

The Haipad was one of the have to have 7 inch tablets of 2010. For 2011, however the Haipad is taking the game to another …

Samsung were certainly late entering the Android race, but they are certainly making up for that late start now. The flagship Galaxy S is already …

Last week we posted a blurry video of the Samsung Galaxy Tablet , this week though we have a great video from Korean TV  of …

Looks like someone got their grubby hands on a Samsung Galaxy Tablet and managed to make this covert recording, which shows off a few of this Android tablets features. It looks great!!

A $90 Android tablet from Shenzhen with Samsung GPS and 667Mhz CPU.