The latest and best (in our opinion) iPad clone uses an ARM9 based processor and runs Google’s Android O.S PLUS has all the plugs and ports we wish the real iPad had!

Superman’s iPad clone follows the same recipe as other clones only with added iPad branding.

My birthday isn’t for a few months, but i’ve already found my gift! I would like a Ramos W7 MID please! Disclaimer: We may be …

If you are an iPad owner who has been excited about the prospects of multi touch gestures on your Apple tablet since the release of …

If your 16, 32 or 64Gb iPad is running low on memory there aren’t a lot of options to choose from. You can either remove …

Rumors over in China claim that not only will Apple be launching an 8Gb budget iPhone 4 alongside the next generation iPhone 5, but also …

Chinese media sources are claiming that Apple is readying to unveil its previous generation iPad as a new budget Wi-Fi only iPad costing as little …

It’s very sad that HP have decided to quit on the Touchpad and WebOS, but it is sadder still that the now software only company …

Another old favourite has turned up to show off some new features! This time our old pal the Haipad has popped up, but with a …

Apple do have patents pointing which hint at the possibility of a touch-screen iMac coming sometime in the near future, but if you can’t wait …

If we were to name a few of the best Android tablets available in China we would have to say the Wopad and Haipad, and …

Smugglers, trying to make a profit from the tax differences between Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, have been caught after their pulley and zip-line …

Apple’s Smart covers do a spiffing job of keeping your iPad 2 screen scratch free, but what about those of us who want to keep …

The MOMO 8 is one of the latest breed of Android tablets from China that brings almost all the hardware specifications we crave, but not …

Apple users are generally those who like to be chic and have the latest and greatest alloy product to show off at the local coffee …

If it’s not the iPhone 5 rumors people are getting excited about, it’s iPad 3 rumors getting gadget lovers in a tizzy, and these supposed …

Lounging at the beach or by the pool is meant to be a relaxing experiecnce! A perfect time to whip out your iPad or Android …

The sun is out meaning that you are more than likely going to be out and about! If your out and about it probably means …

Rumors about Apple breaking away from their traditional launch cycle have been floating about since before the iPad 2 surfaced, but the latest rumors suggest …

Olivetti have been demoing their lovely looking Olipad 110. The 1o inch unit features 16Gb of built in memory, front and rear cameras, a capacitive …