As Android users the words malware, virus and good generally don’t go hand in hand, but like everything in life there is an exception to …

The Dropad originally grabbed our attention a few months ago for looking like an over-sized iPhone 4! The 7 inch Android tablet has some pretty …

Google seem to be mapping everything! If it’s not the Internet, its your street! They’ve even mapped the stars and planets! The latest app by …

China still seems to be the place to find obscure, interesting and often innovative gadgets and tablet devices, and this latest tablet which was sent …

Amazon already have a huge digital empire spanning from books and movies to music and now Android applications so what’s the next step for the …

Here’s this week Android Tablet wallpaper of the week. It’s a cheeky number depiciting our fave little green droid munching on a rather expensive and …

The Amazon Android App store is on a bit of a roll this week. First the store launched, yesterday they gave away the premium version …

Barnes & Nobles Nook Color is essentially a $250 Android tablet only without the features of other Android tablets such as email client, web browser …

RIM’s playbook is coming and at an iPad 2 fighting price, and with iPad 2 beating features. Best of all though is the fact that …

It’s been a while since we had a Shanzhai phone on Gizchina, so let’s bring them back! And what better phone to start with than …

Well well well what do we have here? It looks like an iPad, it’s the same size as an iPad, it has the same screen …

Is Motorola getting cold feet about Android? That’s what some are saying after reports that Motorola, the only major licensee of Android, are working on …

This week’s Android tablet wallpaper of the week should really be last weeks, as we forgot to post it! Anyhow here it is and we …

Microsoft has target Barnes & Noble in a patent lawsuit. The Windows makers claims that B&N’s Android based Nook e-book reader infringes a number of …

A recent survey by Android developers to seek out the most popular version of the ever growing Android OS versions resulted in rather surprising news! …

Before today the only dual boot tablet we knew of was Viewsonic’s Viewpad with it’s Atom CPU and dual boot Windows 7/Android Operating systems. Today …

Oh no, it looks as if someone has been doing some serious snooping and found that Google Inc. have either been very naughty or extremely …

Android 3.0 aka Honeycomb is out now and will continue to be upgraded and will more than likely evolve in to 4.0 and 5.0 and …

It looks like Apple’s iPad 2 will have more than just the upcoming Wi-Fi only Xoom and Blackberry Playbook to worry about if reports coming …

Last year Malata surprised the world by being the first tablet manufacturer to launch a dual-core tablet. The Zpad thoroughly impressed all those who set …