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iPhone 15 Pro Max VS iPhone 16 Pro Max: Top 4 Things to Consider Before Upgrading

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Why Apple Intelligence won’t work in EU and China (for now)

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Apple AirPods 4 Released With Active Noise Cancellation and Enhanced Features

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Zophone is back with an upgraded version of their iPhone 5 clone. It now uses a nano sim card like the original iPhone 5 and …

Since the initial excitement after the iPhone 5’s launch, we have seen very little of the purported Android powered clones which were all over the …

The iPad mini is going to be one hot product this Christmas, but if you are a savvy tech shopper and prefer Jelly Bean to …

Chinese tablet maker Taipower tease Android fans with their images and specifications for its 8 inch iPad mini clone.

We’ve all seen iMac clones before, but this latest machine from Chinese brand Lavi manages to mimic the most up to date iMac clone available, …

If you’re in the market for an iPhone 5 clone and don’t really expect iPhone quality or performance then why not check out this $128 …

As the months since the iPhone 5 release have slipped by, various iPhone 5 clones have hit the market but could the Rogor i5 be …

The iPad Mini has proven to be a popular and powerful little tablet which is grabbing the of new and seasoned gadget lovers alike, it …

Xiaomi have entered the world of home entertainment today with the launch of their Android powered Xiaomi TV set-top box, but what is this little …

As you can probably tell I’m quite excited about the Xiaomi TV launch, but what I’m not excited about is the likely long wait I …

Even if Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun hadn’t confirmed the existence of the Xiaomi TV (Android set-top box) we would have all known it was true …

There has been a lot of speculation over the rumored Xiaomi TV Android set-top box, but we can finally put some of it aside as …

We’re featured our fair share of iMac clones over the past year, but this is the first manufacturer who not only make a great looking …

iPhone 5 clones are going to be flooding the market for the next 12 months, and while we have seen a few on the market …

Rumours of the preported Xiaomi TV are gathering pace here in China with more supposed leaked photos showing off what the Android set-top box could …

Earlier this week we reported that Xiaomi could possibly be launching an Android based set top box which will convert your current TV in to …

So today is the big day that the iPad Mini goes on sale around the world, and those lucky Hong Kong ren are not only …

A few months ago we broke news that Chinese iPhone 5 clone maker GooPhone were preparing to sue Apple should they release the iPhone 5 …

Chinese super phone brand Xiaomi might now be entering the Android TV market with a Apple TV style set top box which is rumored to …

Although I do like what Apple makes I don’t condone the way they go after everyone who manufactures a device which looks similar to theirs …