5 things we know about the new iPhone 5
So tomorrows the big day! The day Apple announces it next generation all new iPhone 5 on to the world but with all the links …
Updated 18.5inch iMac Clone Losses DVD drive for a simpler life!
When was the last time you used the DVD drive on your PC or laptop? I know there are some of you out there that …
If I was a Foxconn intern I would have stolen this iPad mini shell and sold it for $6k!
An enterprising Foxconn worker has managed to smuggle the rear shell of an iPad mini out a Foxconn factory and sold it on for a …
GooPhone i5 Full Specification Leaked!
The GooPhone i5 looks set to be the new iPhone 5 beater in more ways than one if these rumoured specifications are any indication of …
Watch the real iPhone 5 boot up with iOS 6 in this leaked Foxconn Video!
Ok so we were all pretty sure what the new iPhone 5 (6th generation iPhone) was going to look like before, but it is nice …
Rumoured iPad Mini Specification not as good as Google Nexus 7!
More iPad mini rumours have surfaced this time concerning the new 7 inch Apple tablet’s reported specification, but if reports are true the iPad mini …
7 Warning signs that you need a new phone and which you should consider
Are you in the same position as I am? You’ve had your current phone for a year or so now, and you are not sure …
GooPhone i5 specification with Apple Logo and iOS 6 theme!
Chinese phone maker and iPhone knock off manufacturer GooPhone have released new details about their all new iPhone 5 clone, the GooPhone i5. Keep reading …
New iPhone 5 side by side with iPhone 4S
So we all know that the new iPhone 5 from Apple is likely to have a new larger 4 inch screen, but how does the …
Leaked iPhone 5 Front Assembly Shows NFC Chip!
Just when we though we knew almost everything about the new iPhone 5, another piece of the puzzle hits the web. This time it’s a …
Chinese phone brand Xiaomi to be sued by Apple for Xiaomi M2 design?
Apple recent win over Samsung has had reporters looking for the next victim to fall foul of Apple’s lawyers, and some Chinese reports think Xiaomi …
More leaked iPhone 5 cases show new iPhone 5 design!
This past weekend has been awesome if you are an Apple fan, but terrible for anyone working in security at Apple! We’ve had leaked iPad …
Single-core MEOX iPhone 5 Wannabe on sale, MT6577 on the way! Video
The first time many of us came across the MEOX ‘metal box’ we actually mistook the iPhone 5 wannabe for an actual genuine iPhone 5 …
Exclusive! iPad Mini Cases Show Rear Camera and mini dock connector
We reported on the various mini iPad rumors before but those rumors were to the tune that the iPad mini would have no rear camera, …
How much for an iPhone 5 hands on? $8000 in China!
It looks like Chinese media outlets have taken a leaf from Gizmodo’s book and are paying serious money to get an iPhone 5 hands on! …
The Kuphone S9 is China’s Vision of the new iPhone 5
Chinese phone maker Kuphone seems to think the new iPhone could be nothing more than an updated iPhone 4S, so to prepare for it’s arrival …
Chinese iMac clone to get Windows 8
If you have been following Gizchina for a while then you will likely have come across more than a few Chinese iMac clone and knock-offs. …
Chinese Companies Form Alliance to Take on Apple’s Siri
When you think of mobile voice recognition technology you will likely think of Apple’s Siri voice assistant, however Apple weren’t the first and they are …