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How to speed up your Android smartphone with these 8 tips

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2011 is going to be the year of the tablet! 2010 was the year of the iPad, and the 10” Apple device has really benefited …

Having problems connecting to Cydia over China Unicom’s 3G service with your iPhone 4 or 3GS? Well that’s because China Unicom have blocked the Cydia …

One of the things some users disliked about the Android market was the inability to browse apps via the web, well Google have rectified that …

Google Maps is a super handy alternative to a paper map on any mobile device or laptop, but Google Maps on Android has some excellent …

Believe it or not but there are literally hundreds of Android based tablets available today and only 3 of them are from ‘big’ contenders (Apple, …

So Santa brought you one of the many Chinese made Android tablets for Christmas did he? And the past few days you’ve been playing with …

It’s not every day you come across a knock off phone which manages to label itself in 3 ways it isn’t. Let me elaborate. This …

China’s three major telecom operators will soon be battling over a new field. The app market field. China Unicom are currently testing their Wostore application …

This is not just a mock table that imitates the iPhones look. It is actually a 58 inch table with built in capitative touch screen …

Hemorrhoids more commonly known as Piles is a very uncomfortable condition, one which we would all like to avoid. According to this video posted by …

It looks like the designers of the Gpad 701 went back in time to the 80’s, looked at what we thought the future would look …

Looks like someone got their grubby hands on a Samsung Galaxy Tablet and managed to make this covert recording, which shows off a few of this Android tablets features. It looks great!!

The latest iPhone 4 clone out of China runs Windows 6.5 on a Marvell 460Mh/z CPU

SAIC’s new Roewe 350 could become the first Android powered car on the market this April!
It’s confirmed!