More Cheapo iPad Covers Arrive From China
Despite Apple claiming that they didn’t want to spoil the look of the iPad 2 with a full sleeve, like they had with the original …
Foxy E7 Tablet Does Everything Your Phone Can and More!
Now that Chinese tablets have finally come of age, we are beginning to see more 7 inch units which cross over from tablet to smart …
Apple’s Find My iPhone Useless in China!
Just 5 minutes ago I left my office in Qingdao, China and headed out in to the scorching summer heat! As soon as I hit …
Foxconn Worker Commits Suicide In Chengdu
An employee of Foxconn in Chengdu, China commited suicide earlier today. This is the 13th suicide in a year involving a worker from the Taiwanese …
China’s First Affordable ‘Got it all’ Tablet Arrives: 3G, GPS and Camera for $200
When the first Chinese Android tablets began showing up last year, there was nothing (other than the iPad) to compare them too, so many forgave …
Hasee’s Tegra 2 LiPad Tablet Gets 3C Approval
Just as new digital product in the U.S have to pass FCC laws and inspection before they are launched, electronics devices in China also have …
MOPS Android Gaming Phone With Analogue Control Plans To Take On PSP In China
What happens when you get a bunch of blokes from the wine industry together who have no knowledge of computer games and their respective hardware? …
Youtube Unblocked In China!: Update
Update: Youtube seems to have been blocked once again! Just a quick update to let you all know is back up and running in …
Scalpers and Apple Employees Brawl At Beijing Apple Store
The restocking of hot Apple products draws crowds just as much in China as anywhere in the world, however yesterday at an Apple store in …
Chinese Engineer Builds Worlds First Alien Hotel
Jin Fan, a 70 year old engineers from Liaoning Province, has long been a believer in UFO’s and alien life and actually formed the Dalian …
Youku In Talks With Apple To Replace Youtube
The iPhone 4 and iPad 2 are officially astronomical hits in China. The year has been filled with headlines of iPhone 4 sell outs, iPad …
iPad 2 Sold Out In China Within 4 Hours!
Apple’s recent decision to make China its top priority seems to be paying off, which was evident yesterday during the official launch of the iPad …
Motorola Xoom and Atrix Coming To China With Silly Pricing
Ah! the Motorola Xoom the first Android tablet to run Honeycomb and the first Android tablet to make buying an Apple laptop look like the …
The Motorola Xoom Will Fail In China Too
Motorola have recently been showing off their huge losses for the year, while also proudly(?) stating that they have managed to ship a lackluster 250,000 …