social media
Xiaomi’s Hugo Barra and Lei Jun discuss international plans and how they are like Amazon
While Apple busied themselves across the street with the launch of their new iPad’s, Xiaomi’s Hugo Barra and Lei Jun went on stage to talk about the companies international ambitions at the Global Mobile Conference.
Freebao ‘China’s Facebook’ Adds Translation Feature
Forget Weibo, Renren, even Twitter, Google+ and Facebook! Freebao is the hot new social media site and with killer features like this it’s easy to …
Android Basics: How to uninstall and delete Android apps
So you have found yourself with one of the many great Android tablets on the market, and have filled your SD card chock full of …
Expand your social circle with Huohua
Huohua has apparently been available for both iOS and Android devices for a while now, but had managed to slip under our radar until just …
AlphaOutlook Brings Social Media Tracking to China
Although the big names like Twitter and Facebook don’t have much over a following in China (at least officially) there are plenty of Chinese alternatives …
China Praises Britain’s Plans to Censor the Internet
British PM’s plan to block social media during times of unrest gets two thumbs up from China!